24.02.2024 10:00

On February 24, 2022, Russia invaded the territory of our country with a full-scale war. We have experienced two of the worst years of Moscow's aggression against Ukraine, which in total has been going on for ten years.

However, historians argue that this war of the evil empire against the free Ukrainian spirit, our identity and worldview goes on for centuries.

So it is not in vain that the enemy, in its false propaganda, manipulates history, distorting the facts, turning upside down the course of events even millennia ago.

But Ukrainians have learned the lessons of history well. And this time the nation united and stood in defense of its statehood and freedom.

Today we are proud of our Security and Defense Forces of Ukraine, which include units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the National Guard, the State Border Service, special forces and consolidated detachments of the National Police.

The fighters of ten brigades of these units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as part of the Offensive Guard stand side by side with the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the most difficult sections of the front and inflict tangible and irreparable losses on the enemy.

Our heroes from the first minutes of the invasion opened fire on the defeat of the Russian occupier. And the battle for Gostomel airport and the feat of the National Guards forever buried the Kremlin's plans for the Blitzkrieg and the capture of Kiev in three days.

A heroic page in our recent history has already been the defense of Mariupol, in which the garrison of its defenders was formed by our guards — the legendary Azov regiment, as well as border guards and policemen.

The units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs played a significant role in the defense of Kharkov, Chernihiv, Sumy and Nikolaev. And then there was the Kharkiv counteroffensive, the liberation of Kherson and the right-bank Kherson region.

Special thanks to our rescuers of the National Emergency Service — fighters without weapons, but with a big heart. They are like guardian angels, along with the police, the first to come to the rescue after the massive rocket attacks on our cities and rural communities. Rescuers literally from the fires and from under the rubble of bombed houses are rescuing and have already saved thousands of civilians.

Yes, we are very hurt by our loss. And we will forever keep the memory in our hearts of brothers and sisters who fell on the battlefield. We will remember the hundreds and thousands of Ukrainians and Ukrainians who were innocently killed and tortured by the Russian occupiers.

We will surely take revenge. And not only...

The investigators of the National Police have already documented more than 113,000 war crimes, and we believe that after our victory, thousands and thousands of Russian war criminals will appear before the international tribunal and Ukrainian courts, led by Putin and his bloody Kremlin clique.

Victory is not yet close, but we are overcoming this path step by step.

Let us remember today with a moment of silence and a quiet prayer for the souls of our fallen heroes. Every day we support our defenders with a donut and a word of gratitude. Let's continue with our difficult one. But the only correct path to the complete liberation of Ukrainian land from the Moscow invaders.

Glory to Ukraine!

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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