SNS continues integration into the Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union

06.03.2024 11:30

The leadership of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine met with the Director for Neighbourhood, Middle East, South-West and Central Asia of the Directorate-General of the European Commission for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) Andreas Papakonstantina.

Participants discussed issues of humanitarian demining, interaction and cooperation with humanitarian organizations. As well as the basic needs in this sector and further areas of work.

Currently, the units of the State Emergency Service perform a wide range of tasks to protect civilians. Work is carried out to eliminate the consequences of rocket and air attacks, extinguishing fires, rescue operations. Humanitarian demining of areas from explosive objects is carried out.

Comprehensive assistance is also provided to the affected population and local authorities, restoration work is carried out in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine.

The participants paid special attention to the issue of demining of de-occupied territories and directions of development of humanitarian demining in the system of the State Emergency Service. Currently, the territory of Ukraine potentially contaminated with explosive objects is 156 thousand sq. km. — about 25% of the total area of the state.

At the beginning of 2023, the indicators were 174 thousand sq. km. That is, today this area has been reduced by 10%.

According to the Deputy Chairman of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, despite the help of international partners, pyrotechnic units will continue to need urgent equipment with special equipment. In particular, armored vehicles, mechanized demining machines, robotic complexes and equipment for underwater demining.

The Civil Protection Mechanism of the European Union is one of the world's largest system of providing international coordinated emergency assistance. The European Civil Protection Mechanism is regularly activated to respond to floods and earthquakes, forest fires and other emergencies inside and outside Europe.

On April 20, 2023, Ukraine joined the system of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. The signing ceremony was held with the participation of the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko and the EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Yanez Lenarchich.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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