“To win, we need the cohesion of the nation”: the story of the officer of the brigade “Red Kalina”

14.04.2024 12:00

Lumin met a full-scale invasion in Kharkiv while serving in one of the units of the National Guard. She said that the preparation and support of the residents of the city helped to withstand the onslaught of the Russians in the first days.

The junior lieutenant of the Red Kalina Brigade Lumini Tsisar is now 28 years old. She joined the army at 22, comes from a military family.

Her younger sister is studying at the Academy of Land Forces, her father is a peacemaker, and now defends the country at the front.

“Due to the fact that we constantly worked, prepared, had trips to the same detour, we held fire classes there. We worked out educational anxiety, procedure. It helped us tremendously in that period of time,” says the girl.

In the fall of 2022, Lumina Cisar joined the Red Kalina brigade. She is currently a combat training officer.

“My duties include planning classes, studying independently new weapons and techniques. New weapons techniques are mostly in English. They need to be translated, formed, to be provided to our instructors,” says the military.

Lumina emphasizes that her knowledge and skills are highly valued in the team. It makes no difference whether you are a man or a woman — everyone does the same thing and the main thing is to be a professional.

The military believes that in order to win over the Russians, we need the unity of the nation and the awareness of the price at which Ukrainian soldiers choose independence.

National Guard of Ukraine

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