Bohdan Drapyaty met with Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan Yasushi Hosaka

11.04.2024 14:40

The meeting took place within the framework of the working visit of the Ukrainian delegation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Economy to the Kingdom of Cambodia and Japan at the invitation of the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation (JICA).

At the beginning of the meeting, Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan Yasushi Hosaka stressed that the issue of demining is very important because it directly concerns people's lives.

“We are interested in Ukraine gaining the knowledge and experience in the field of mining that Japan has. We fully support Ukraine and will continue to do so. Also, we are going to do our best to help you with demining issues. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Ukraine Matsuda Kuninori now co-chairs the sectoral working group on humanitarian demining. Thanks to this participation, we have detailed information about the needs of Ukraine and, accordingly, can respond more thoroughly to your requests. We are ready to continue to support Ukraine. And not only in matters of demining - Japan is ready to provide all necessary assistance in other demanded areas,” said Deputy Foreign Minister of Japan Yasushi Hosaka.

In turn, Bohdan Drapiaty thanked the Foreign Ministry and the entire Government of Japan for the sustained support of Ukraine and long-term cooperation plans.

“Japan's role and importance in providing Ukraine with demining assistance is a leadership and strategic one. Japan supported at all levels the peace formula proposed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which consists of 10 points. At least four items are directly related to humanitarian minesweeping, namely radiation and nuclear safety, combating ecocide, food security, energy security. Japan helps Ukraine not in words, but with concrete actions. From our side, I can assure that every unit of machinery, equipment, equipment is used by fire technicians of the State Emergency Service every day during the demining of territories. More than 780 thousand explosive objects have already been detected and defused by sappers of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. We understand that this number will increase, so assistance in strengthening Ukraine's capacity in the field of anti-mine activities is invaluable,” Bohdan Drapiaty summed up.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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