“White Angels” continue to take small children out of Toretsk (VIDEO)

25.03.2024 17:00

Six-year-old Victoria and one-and-a-half year old Kyrylo were used to explosions — their home was in the zone of enemy strikes, so their mother agreed to evacuate. My brother and sister are safe.

The city was met by police raids. One shell hit a private house, which caught fire. The crew stopped to provide assistance, but this time survived without casualties. In such conditions, there is no place for children.

The police have everything to save the little ones — armored cars, helmets and body armor for children of all ages, a special team of law enforcement officers with paramedic skills.

Two more families took the opportunity to safely leave the city. One is a teenage boy, the other has two kids.

For little Vika and her brother, the group “White Angel” grabbed gifts - toys to distract children during the risky journey. In a new place, the girl will be able to go to the first grade and study.

Another 11 children remain to be evacuated from the Toretsk community. For this, the “white angels” continue to risk their lives.

Phone number of the group “White Angel” in the Bakhmut direction is 066-56-15-102.

National Police of Ukraine

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