Soldiers of the “Guard of the Offensive” side by side with the Armed Forces are defending our state on the first front line, — Igor Klymenko

24.02.2024 15:00

This was emphasized by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko in an interview with Natalia Moseychuk, which is timed to the second anniversary of the beginning of a full-scale war.

Answering the question whether the fighters of the “Guards of the Offensive” are being prepared to disperse the protests, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs recalled that the units of the “Offensive Guard” were formed on a voluntary basis, including in order to quickly liberate the temporarily occupied territories, drive out Russian invaders from them and conduct stabilization measures in liberated cities and villages.

“However, the combat situation at the front was such that the units of the “Guard of the Offensive”, namely the soldiers of the State Border Service, the National Guard and the police, became in one position with the soldiers of the Armed Forces units and now side by side are defending our state,” Igor Klymen emphasized Co.

The Minister noted that all the fighters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system are carefully prepared for any scenarios that may be on the battlefield, and are provided with the necessary equipment and weapons.

When asked whether the soldiers of the “Guard of the Offensive” will remain in the ranks of the police and the National Guard of Ukraine after the war, Igor Klymenko said that there are no such plans at the moment, because this question depends on the situation at the front.

“These servicemen can remain in units after the war, if the situation requires it — from the need to protect critical infrastructure facilities. After all, the National Guard, which is replenished by mobilization, is also a security function,” the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine noted.

For more information, see the interview of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko in the program “Moseichuk+”.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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