16 dead and 73 wounded: Igor Klymenko spoke about the consequences of the Russian missile attack on Odessa

15.03.2024 16:58

In his official Telegram channel, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine said that as a result of the Russian missile attack on Odessa, 16 people were killed, among them an employee of the State Emergency Service.

Rescuers arrived to help the injured as the Russians struck again. In addition, 73 people were injured in varying degrees of severity.

“Unfortunately, we also have losses among the personnel of the National Police. Strong, fearless fighters. Without numbers, but with great respect to each of the dead... My condolences to the relatives and loved ones of our fallen Heroes, the whole family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs mourns with you,” the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs wrote.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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