EU Advisory Mission on Civil Security Sector Reform in Ukraine (EUAM)
The EU Advisory Mission on Civil Security Sector Reform of Ukraine (EUAM) is a civilian advisory mission introduced by the European Union in 2014 at the request of Ukraine. Legal basis of activity: Agreement between Ukraine and the EU on the status of the EU Advisory Mission for Reforming the Civil Security Sector of Ukraine (signed on 17.11.2014 in Brussels, ratified on 04.02.2015 by the Law of Ukraine No. 142-VIII, entered into force on 13.03.2015).
The mandate of the ECSC provides for three areas of activity:
- providing strategic advice on civil security sector reform to develop strategies for the civil security sector; - support for the implementation of reforms through the provision of practical advice, training and implementation of other projects;
- cooperation and coordination to ensure the coordination of reform between Ukrainian and international partners.
The main office of the Mission is located in the city. Kyiv at the address: Volodymyrsky Uzviz, 4V.
The mission also has regional offices in Kharkiv, Lviv, Odessa and Mariupol.
Each year, the cooperation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the EMIC is agreed on an action plan within the framework of the international technical assistance project “Operational support in the provision of strategic advice on the reform of the civil security sector of Ukraine”.
In particular, the Mission provides support in the areas of:
- strengthening the capacity for change management, internal communications, strategic planning; - protection of public order (strengthening the sustainability of the concept of dialogue police, study of best practices of public order protection),
- interaction of police with the community, - investigation of crimes, - strategic communications and related issues, - responding to crimes committed on the grounds of hate/discrimination, - ensuring gender equality,
improvement of administrative services.
More information about the activities of the EU Advisory Mission to Ukraine at the link
European Union Border Assistance Mission to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova (EUBAM)
The European Union Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM) began its work in 2005. The legal basis for EUBAM is the Memorandum of Understanding between the European Commission and the Governments of Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, signed on 7 October 2005. The memorandum defines the mandate and status of the mission, as well as the mechanisms for cooperation. The current mandate of the mission is valid until November 30, 2020, however, the parties agreed to initiate its extension. EUBAM is committed to implementing border and customs rules and practices that meet EU standards and meet the needs of its two partner countries. The mission works together with Moldova and Ukraine to bring standards and procedures for border management, customs and trade in line with those in the EU Member States. It helps to improve cross-border cooperation between border and customs agencies, as well as other law enforcement agencies, and promotes international cooperation.
The objectives of the Mission are as follows:
You can find more information about the activities of the EUBAM Mission: here
European Police Office (Europol)
The European Police Office (Europol) is a law enforcement agency of the European Union, whose powers include combating transnational crime, trafficking in human beings, illegal migration, terrorism, illegal traffic in vehicles, distribution of pornography, production of counterfeit money and other means of payment, money laundering, cybercrimes. Currently, cooperation with Europol is governed by the provisions of the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Police Office on Operational and Strategic Cooperation, signed in 2016 and ratified by Law No. 2129-VIII of 12.07.2017.
Under the Agreement, cooperation includes both the exchange of information and the exchange of special knowledge, general summaries, strategic analysis results, information on criminal investigation procedures, information on crime prevention methods, participation in training activities, as well as the provision of advice and support in individual criminal investigations.
The National Contact Point for Ukraine, which acts as a central point of contact between other competent authorities of Ukraine and Europol, is the department for cooperation with Europol of the National Police of Ukraine. In 2015, a Memorandum of Understanding between Ukraine and the European Police Office on the establishment of a secure line of communication was ratified. Thanks to the establishment of a secure communication channel SIENA, information exchange between law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and Europol has increased significantly. In addition, in 2017, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Ukraine and the European Police Office regarding confidentiality and security of information. The relevant draft law on its ratification has been prepared today.
In 2018-2019, the National Police of Ukraine developed the Europol methodology for assessing threats of organized and serious crime SOCTA. Today, the developed methodology adapted to Ukrainian realities is applied in the practical activities of the National Police of Ukraine. In 2020, the National Police participated in more than ten special law enforcement operations under the auspices of Europol, in particular MISMED, SALO, RETROVIRUS, SHIELD, RAD.
European Union Agency for the Training of Law Enforcement Officers (CEPOL)
CEPOL is an agency of the European Union that brings together a network of training institutes for law enforcement officers of the EU Member States and supports them in conducting first-line training on security priorities, law enforcement cooperation and information exchange. CEPOL also works with EU bodies, international organisations and third countries to ensure a collective response to the most serious security threats.
CEPOL promotes cooperation and exchange of knowledge between law enforcement officers of EU Member States and third countries on issues arising from EU security priorities, in particular the EU policy cycle on serious and organised crime. The headquarters of the agency is in Budapest, Hungary.
In 2020, the Working Agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and CEPOL was signed, which is the legal basis for cooperation and defines the procedure for interaction between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Agency, in particular the scope and form of participation of representatives of the Ukrainian Party in CEPOL, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation. On the basis of the agreement, a contact point for interaction was determined, as well as the operator of the E-Net network (which are the relevant structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).
European Border and Coast Guard Agency (FRONTEX)
The Agency operates on the basis of Regulation No 2007/2004 of the Council of the EU of 26.10.2004. The headquarters are located in Warsaw, Poland. The purpose of the activity is to protect freedom, security and justice, to guarantee a zone of free movement without checks at the internal borders of the EU, to combat cross-border crime and to help prevent terrorist attacks. Coordination and development of European border management in accordance with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the concept of integrated border management.
Frontex's budget is made up of the overall EU budget and contributions from the Schengen countries. The Agency's budget at the beginning of its creation (2005) amounted to 6.3 million euros, for 2013 — 94 million euros. In 2020, the budget was about 460 million euros. Cooperation with the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is carried out on the basis of the Working Agreement between the FRONTEX Agency and the State Fiscal Service on the establishment of operational cooperation signed on June 11, 2007 and Operational Cooperation Plans signed every 3 years (the last Plan was signed on June 28, 2019 — 2021).)
Main areas of cooperation:
- exchange of information and analytical products, - risk analysis, - staff training,
- operational cooperation,
- research and innovation,
- implementation of joint projects.
In 2020, the Administration of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine took part in trainings, courses and seminars on the Virtual Aula online platform, data exchange was carried out through the network of collection and exchange of information on the detection of offenses in aviation checkpoints PULSAR, and a joint operation “Coordination points was carried out. Avia”, during which three experts from the European Union countries were present at the airports of Ukraine as observers; the Agreement on Cooperation and Membership in the Network of Partner Academies of the FRONTEX Agency was renewed.