“System 112”

Description of the project:


The principle of building a system of emergency assistance to the population at a single telephone number 112 (“System 112”) is a comprehensive provision of assistance to the population in case of emergency situations that threaten health, life, property or the environment, public order.


Basic components of “System 112”:

- wide use of information and telecommunication technologies in setting up access of the population to the emergency care system, as well as the organization of electronic interaction at the level of actors providing emergency response;

- interaction and use of information, information and telecommunication systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Central Intelligence Agency for information-analytical support in decision-making during the response to emergency and emergency events;

- use of video surveillance and recording of events in real time;

- the use of electronic devices and systems by authorized CEV and other executive authorities in order to prevent emergency events and respond promptly in case of their occurrence.


Expected results:

The construction of “System 112” by combining traditional methods of emergency and emergency response and information and telecommunication technologies will allow:

- increase the efficiency of assistance to the population;

- improve the activities of emergency and rescue services, police and doctors;

- remotely “see” the situation at the scene of an emergency;

- promptly use available resources;

- provide information to government and regional crisis centers in real time.


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