REFERENCE on the algorithm for obtaining permits for the purchase, transportation and storage of explosive materials by business entities.

In accordance with paragraph 9 of the Regulation on the permitting system approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 576 of October 12, 1992, the acquisition, storage and transportation of explosive materials shall be subject to the requirements of the permitting system.

The procedure for issuing permits for the purchase, storage and transportation of explosive materials is determined by the Instruction on the procedure for the manufacture, acquisition, storage, accounting, transportation and use of firearms, pneumatic, cold and cooled weapons, devices of domestic production for firing cartridges equipped with rubber or similar their properties of non-lethal metal shells and cartridges for them, as well as ammunition for weapons, main parts of weapons and explosive materials, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 21.08.1998 No. 622 (hereinafter — Instruction).

To date, in order to obtain permits of the National Police of Ukraine, the business entity together with the application submits:


For the purchase of explosives (validity period up to 6 months) —

1. certificate of the State Labor Service of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the State Labor Service) for the purchase of explosive materials;

2. a permit to conduct subversive works issued by the State Labor Service or a declaration on the implementation of this type of economic activity, entered by the State Labor Department in the relevant list of declarations submitted;

3. an act on the suitability of the premises where explosive materials will be stored (commission from representatives of the NPU, the State Emergency Service, the State Labor Service and the interested organization opening the object);

4. payment order (receipt) for the service.


For storage of explosives (validity up to 3 years) —

1. certificate of the State Labor authorities for the operation of the place of storage of explosive materials;

2. the passport of the owner of the warehouse of explosives and the act of acceptance of the place of storage of explosives into operation (in the absence of a passport, a scheme of the warehouse and a plan of the surrounding area are attached within a radius corresponding to the safe distance calculated by the shock air wave from the largest storage tank of the VM, and for movement warehouse - the area served by the warehouse is indicated);

3. an act on the suitability of the premises where explosive materials will be stored (commission from representatives of the NPU, the State Emergency Service, the State Labor Service and the interested organization opening the object);

4. order on the appointment of the person (s) responsible for the storage of explosive materials;

5. a list of persons who will have access to or protect the explosives;

6. payment order (receipt) for the service.


For transportation within the territory of Ukraine (validity period up to 3 months) —

1. permission of the police authority to store explosive materials;

2. information about persons responsible for transportation;

3. name, quantity of cargo to be transported, type of transport, route, initial and final points of transportation in the territory of Ukraine, the basis of transportation, term;

4. information about persons responsible for the protection of explosive materials;

5. a copy of the contract of protection or orders of the head of the enterprise on the appointment of persons responsible for protection and transportation;

6. certificate of training of the Commissioner for the Safety of Cargo Transportation;

7. certificate of training of drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods;

8. certificate of admission of vehicles to the transportation of specified dangerous goods;

9. The current compulsory insurance contract;

10. certificate of driver's admission to transportation in the territory of Ukraine of the relevant dangerous cargo;

11. certificate of acceptance of the vehicle for transportation through the territory of Ukraine VM;

12. payment order (receipt) for the service;

13. technical conditions or standards of explosive materials to be transported through the territory of Ukraine.


For import into the territory of Ukraine (validity period up to 3 months) —

1. a contract or contract confirming the feasibility of issuing a permit for the transportation of explosive materials and their components (export/import);

2. a notarized copy of the permit of the State Export Control Service of Ukraine to carry out the relevant export/import;

3. approval of the State Labor Service on the right to purchase and use explosives and their components of imported production;

4. technical documentation, samples of imported into the territory of Ukraine and developed newest explosive materials (for the Expert Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs);

5. permission for the carriage of dangerous goods through the territory of Ukraine issued in the manner specified by the Rules of Road Transportation;

6. payment order (receipt) for the service.


As an exception, transportation of explosive materials through the territory of Ukraine without the permission of the police authorities is carried out in the case of:

1. centralized transportation from manufacturing plants to warehouses in the presence of permits for the storage of explosive materials;

2. from one composition of the business entity to another, but only within one area (city) on the basis of waybills;

3. to the places of excavation work - according to outfits-vouchers.


For detailed information on the procedure for obtaining permits for the purchase of explosives, you can contact the arms control units of the main departments of the National Police in the regions and the city. Kiev (at the location of the object in which explosives are stored) by the following phones: