Information notice on conducting electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Approval of Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts on the Organization of Special Training of Workers in the Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods”
The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine conducts electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Approval of Amendments to Certain Regulatory Acts on the Organization of Special Training of Workers in the Road Transportation of Dangerous Goods” (hereinafter — the draft order), published on August 11, 2023 in subheading “Draft regulations” of the heading “Normative base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs” of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: here.
Stakeholders to whom the implementation of the draft order will apply: performers of works and providers of services related to the transportation of dangerous goods, employees of entities of road transport of dangerous goods.
The draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs proposes to amend the Requirements for the centers of special training of drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods and authorized persons for the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road and the Procedure for passing exams, registration and issuance of DOPNV certificates on the training of drivers of vehicles, transporting dangerous goods, certificates on the preparation of authorized persons for the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road, approved by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of July 21 2022 No. 449 “On the approval of certain regulatory acts on the organization of special training of road transport workers of dangerous goods”, namely:
- improve the procedure for determining special training centers for drivers and authorized persons involved in special training to pass an exam in order to confirm their knowledge of the legislation on the road transportation of dangerous goods without reference to the center of special training;
- to regulate the issue of organizing special training of drivers and authorized persons in terms of attending classes;
- supplement the list of grounds for considering the issues of annulment of the commission's decision on the designation of a special training center and on the need to update the information that became the basis for the designation of a special training center;
- to settle certain issues regarding the deadlines for consideration of documents, the provision of answers, the use of concepts and definitions provided for in these Requirements;
- establish the possibility of assigning the series and number of the certificate of completion of special training using the software of the Unified State Register of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- determine the procedure for appealing the results of exams to check the knowledge of the rules for the transportation of dangerous goods by road by drivers and authorized persons;
- determine the procedure for using technical means of control during the passing of exams (including with the help of photo and video equipment), the storage and access to the information obtained by them;
- optimize the process of passing the exam through the use of computer technology in order to eliminate external interference in the results of the exam.
Proposals and comments on the draft order shall be accepted within one month from the date of publication in writing to the e-mail address: [email protected].
Consultations on the draft order are available by phone number: (044) 374-10-35. The person responsible for conducting electronic consultations with the public is Olga Khabinska.
The report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft order will be published in the subsection “Electronic consultations with the public” of the “Public consultations” section of the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within two weeks after the decision on the results of the discussion.
Report on the results of electronic consultations with the public on the draft order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “On Approval of Amendments to the Procedure for the Issuance and Registration of Certificates for the Admission of Vehicles for the Transportation of Certain Dangerous Goods” published on September 25, 2023