Order of 09.09.2020 № 653 On the need for appointment to a vacant position of public service category “B” for the period of quarantine



09.09.2020 Kyiv № 653


On the need for appointment to a vacant position of public service category “B” for the period of quarantine

In accordance with paragraph 8 of Chapter II “Final Provisions” of the Law of Ukraine of April 13, 2020 No. 553-IX “On Amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On the State Budget of Ukraine for 2020” and the Procedure for Appointment to Public Service Posts for the Period of Quarantine Established to Prevent the Spread of Acute Respiratory Disease in Ukraine UIO-19 caused by coronavirus 8AK8-SOU-2, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated April 22, 2020 No. 290, due to the need for appointment to a vacant position of the public service category” In” Department of Personnel for the period of quarantine



1. Determine the necessary appointment to the vacant position of public service category “B” - the chief specialist of the Personnel Department for the period of quarantine by concluding a contract on the passage of civil service.

2. Announce selection for the vacant position of public service category “B” - the chief specialist of the Department of Personnel (announcement attached).

3. Entrust to the chief specialist of the department of organization of the selection of civil servants of the Department of Personnel Management of the Department of Ensuring the Activities of the Apparatus I. Kulisha functions to consider information that will come from persons who have expressed a desire to participate in the selection for a vacant position.

4th. To identify the Director of the Personnel Department G. Doskevych is an authorized person to conduct an interview with candidates.

5. The Department of Ensuring the Activities of the Apparatus (Bondar N.) shall, in the prescribed manner, ensure the posting of this order on the Unified State Service Vacancies Portal and the announcement of selection for the vacant position.

6th. The Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.) shall ensure the posting on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of this order and the announcement of selection for the vacant position.

7th. The Department of Informatization (Bondarenko I.), if necessary, provide technical support to the work of the authorized person during the interview with candidates, including remotely in video conference mode if there is a technical possibility.

8. To the Director of the Personnel Department G. Doskevych, after conducting an interview with the candidates, submit a reasonable application for the appointment of the selected candidate to the vacant position of the Chief Specialist of the Personnel Department by concluding a contract with him on the passage of civil service for the period of quarantine established in order to prevent the spread of acute respiratory disease on the territory of Ukraine C0UU-19 caused by the coronavirus BacB-SOU-2.

9th. Control over the execution of the order is entrusted to the Department of ensuring the activities of the apparatus (Bondar N.).

Secretary of State Oleksiy TAKHTAY