Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of 27.05.2016 №432 “On approval of the List of information constituting official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”


27.0 5.0 .2016

m. Kyiv



On approval of the List of information constituting official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”, paragraph 9 of Article 2 of the Decree of the President of Ukraine of May 05, 2011 No. 547 “Issues of providing executive authorities with access to public information”, in order to bring the normative acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine into compliance with the requirements of the current legislation



1. Approve the List of information constituting official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (the following list), attached.

2. To the First Deputy Minister, Deputy Ministers, heads of structural units of the Ministry's apparatus, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

1) organize the study of the List by employees working with official information;

2) ensure the introduction of signs restricting access to available material media in accordance with the requirements of the List.

3. The Department of Communications (Shevchenko A.V.) post the List on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4. To recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine dated May 14, 2012 No. 423 “On approval of the List of information constituting official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine”.

5. Control over the execution of this order is entrusted to the Deputy Minister — the head of the apparatus.




A.B. Avakov






Approved Order of the Ministry
of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of May 27, 2016 № 432



information constituting official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


IN. General provisions

1. This List is developed in accordance with the Laws of Ukraine “On Access to Public Information”, “On Civil Defense of Ukraine”, On Mobilization Training and Mobilization”, “On State Secret”, “On Information”, “On Protection of Personal Data”, Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 27, 1998 № 1893 “On approval Instructions on the procedure for accounting, storage and use of documents, cases, publications and other material means of information that contain official information”.

2. Documents, files, publications and other material media, which are classified as official information in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, are assigned the title of restriction of access “For official use”. On such material media, the copy number is indicated under the stamp of the access restriction.

3. Documents, files, publications and other material media containing information on mobilization training are assigned the title “For official use” and the designation “Letter “M”. The indicative criteria for assigning the letter “M” to documents and material media with the stamp “For official use” is the availability of information on mobilization training measures and the mobilization plan (specific digital indicators, analytical and methodological materials, etc.), which does not contain information that a state secret. The mark “Letter “M” is not assigned to acts of verification of the presence of material carriers of secret information and acts on the destruction of such information carriers.

4. The transfer of mobilization documents is carried out with affixing on the package, except for the “DSK” neck, the mark “Letter “M”. It is forbidden to send mobilization documents in one package with documents not related to mobilization issues.

5. The procedure for accounting, storage and use of documents, cases, publications and other material carriers of confidential information on mobilization training, which is the property of the state, is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Instruction on the Procedure for Accounting, Storage and Use of Documents, Cases, Publications and Other Material Media Containing Official Information, Approved adopted by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 27, 1998 No. 1893.

6. If it is necessary to amend this List, substantiated proposals of the structural units of the Ministry's apparatus, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs shall be submitted to the expert commission, which makes the appropriate decision.

7. Access restriction columns are assigned to documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine containing official information of other state bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations.

II. In the sphere of work with personnel, organization of educational and scientific activities, official information is information that reveals:

1. Personal data of former employees of the internal affairs bodies and members of their families, employees of educational institutions with specific conditions of study, as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, servicemen, employees and members of their families of the National Guard of Ukraine (former internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine), for the offense information that is classified as a state secret.

2. Organizational provisions regulating the conduct of a special audit in relation to persons appointed to the positions of civil servants, workers and employees of the Ministry's apparatus, educational institutions with specific training conditions, as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. Staff list of the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine (former Main Directorate of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine), territorial commands, compounds, military units, establishments, peacetime institutions and information regarding their accounting, except for information classified as state secrets.

4. Orders on the personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the part of the announcement of information that makes it possible to identify the person.

III. In the field of mobilization work and mobilization, official information is information that reveals:

1. Information on the organization of the alert (information about home, mobile phones, place of residence of employees), management and communication, the procedure for transferring the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the mode of operation in the conditions of a special period.

2. Information about servicemen booked by structural units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. Information on the implementation of laws, other regulatory and legal acts on mobilization training.

4. Information on the state of mobilization readiness of institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5. Information on mobilization training measures and mobilization plan of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial authorities. as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regarding the life support of the population in a special period.

6. Information on long-term and annual mobilization training programs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, except those that constitute a state secret.

7. Distribution of personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs by spare control points.

8. Lists (nomenclature) of mobilization documents, documents on territorial defense and civil protection of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

9. Current and prospective plans for the development and improvement of the system of civil protection of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

10. Measures for the production and supply in a special period of technical means and property of the property service, medicines and medical property, fuel and lubricants.

11. Measures for the production, procurement and supply of food, agricultural products in a special period.

12. Documents and measures on medical, transport, postal, telecommunication, housing, utilities, household, repair and other services in a special period for institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I'm 13. Training of specialists in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a special period.

I'm 14. The need for appropriations and actual financial costs for mobilization training of the Ministry's apparatus, higher educational institutions, as well as institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in peacetime.

IV. In the field of security and communication, service information is information that reveals:

1. Microphone call signs of employees and radio channels used by the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in peacetime, indicating the belonging to the relevant units according to the aggregate of information.

2. Organization of control over radio broadcasting in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. Construction, functioning and features of communication channels, including departmental and general use, between the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, territorial bodies, institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

4th. Parameters for configuring hardware equipment, software, passwords and access codes used in the construction and operation of telecommunication networks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

5. Structure, topology, technical parameters, features of the functioning of telecommunication networks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

6th. The amount of financing of civil protection measures in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the exception of information constituting a state secret.

7. The procedure and results of inspections of compliance with the law when using funds for special purpose expenses.

8. List, activities and measures related to ensuring the operation of urban and suburban special facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, including city and suburban control points, with the exception of information constituting a state secret.

9th. Information set out in the design documentation for the construction, reconstruction and repair of special objects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system (design instructions, standards and norms for building codes, design and estimate documentation for repair and construction works), including city and suburban control points, except for information constituting state a mystery.

10. Providing the Ministry of Internal Affairs with weapons and special equipment.

11. Norms of belonging, storage procedure and measures for the preservation of weapons, ammunition, special equipment, military-chemical and engineering property, which are contained in the relevant regulations and other official documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

IN. In the sphere of financial and accounting policy, official information is information that reveals:

1. The amount of financing of civil protection measures in educational institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

2. The list of codes of budgetary classification of expenses, according to which expenses are made without submission of supporting documents, except those that constitute a state secret, in the manner approved by the order of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine of March 06, 2014 No. 3-DSK “On Amendments to the Clarifications on the Procedure for Approval of the List codes of budget classification of expenditures under which expenditure is carried out without submission of supporting documents”.

3. Information related to expenditures provided for ensuring the country's defense capability during the declaration of a state of emergency, a special period or during an anti-terrorist operation that is not classified as a state secret.

VI. In the field of research activities, official information is information that reveals:

Internal departmental official correspondence, briefing notes and other information on the content and results of the implementation of certain research and development works related to the development, manufacture, testing, implementation, experimental operation of some samples of weapons, military and special equipment, carrying out work on problems of combating crime, improving the forms and methods of using specific military tasks, etc., with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

VII. In the field of information technology, service information is information that reveals:

1. Organization, structure, topology, access passwords to centralized accounting, databases (banks) of data and software and technical complexes that are part of the unified information system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

2. Organization, structure, topology, access passwords to centralized records, databases (banks) of data and software and technical complexes of other information and telecommunication systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

3. Passwords for access to centralized accounting, databases (banks) of data and software-technical complexes of information and telecommunication systems of state authorities, provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to ensure information interaction.

VIII. In the field of information protection with limited access, the service has information that reveals:

1. The organization and actual state of ensuring the protection of state secrets, with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

2. Security system, bypass, intra-facility regime, technical equipment of regime facilities, zones, premises where work related to state secrets is carried out, under the condition of peacetime, unless information that is classified as a state secret is disclosed.

3. The content of information entered in the forms of accounting documentation of material media with limited access, acts of reconciliation of their availability, destruction, including on mobilization training, territorial defense and civil protection for a special period, which do not contain information constituting a state secret.

4. Content, organization, results of official investigations on the facts of disclosure of state secrets, losses of material carriers of secret information, other violations of the secrecy regime, norms and requirements of technical protection of information of the first and second categories, except for information that is classified as a state secret.

5. Content of the nomenclature of positions of employees of the Ministry's apparatus, whose employment requires registration of admission to state secrets.

6. The procedure for access of employees of the Ministry's apparatus to certain office premises where work related to state secrets is carried out.

7. Means and measures of information protection in regime territory, in information and telecommunication and computer networks, in regime premises of internal affairs bodies and units, military units, with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

8. Measures to protect restricted information when receiving foreign delegations, groups and individual foreigners, with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

9. Data on the person who has been granted access to the state secret (surname, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, place of residence, position, name of the body, unit, number and date of the order to grant access, except for information that is classified as a state secret.

10. Lists of regime premises in structural units of the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, higher educational institutions, military units, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

11. Information security measures at facilities where confidential information circulates, with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

12. List of technical means used to measure the security of information activity objects from information leakage through technical channels.

I'm 13. Information stored on the identifiers of information protection systems against unauthorized access, with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

I'm 14. Inspection acts on the results of complex special inspections, with the exception of information constituting a state secret.

I'm 15. Information on the planning, implementation of measures, the actual state, the presence of deficiencies in the organization of technical protection of information in institutions, institutions and enterprises belonging to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the exception of information constituting a state secret.

I'm 16. Information on the results of expert tests of complex information protection systems in automated systems for compliance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on technical protection of information.

IX. In the field of cryptographic information protection, the official has information that reveals:

1. Information on the organization and security of special types of communications, if this information does not constitute a state secret.

2. Information on the prospects and strategies for the development of special communication systems, the procedure for ensuring the security regime during their implementation, except those that constitute a state secret.

3. Information about the content of events, the actual state, planning, the presence of shortcomings in the organization, ensuring the security of special types of communication and cryptographic protection of information, if this information does not constitute a state secret.

4. Information on the procedure for accounting, use, transfer, destruction and handling of the means of cryptographic protection of service information and key documents to them, regulatory, technical and operational documentation.

5. Information about the technical characteristics and content of key data to the means of cryptographic protection of service information.

6. Information about cryptographic systems, means of cryptographic protection of service information, if they disclose their cryptographic scheme (protection scheme, construction principles or cryptographic parameters), nomenclature, number of means of cryptographic protection of service information, their location, commissioning procedure.

7. Information about the nomenclature, tactical and technical characteristics of the means of cryptographic protection of secret information, if this information does not constitute a state secret.

8. Information on the involvement of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and servicemen (employees) of the National Guard of Ukraine to work with means of cryptographic protection of information and key data and access to them.

9. Information on the procedure for handling material media that is processed using cryptographic means of information protection, if this information does not constitute a state secret.

X. In the sphere of activity of participants of the anti-terrorist operation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, official information contains information revealing:

Documents that became the basis for granting the status of a participant in hostilities, except those classified as state secrets.

XI. In the sphere of activity of preventing corruption and conducting lustration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, official information has information that reveals:

Materials for conducting inspections of persons, in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” and on the application of prohibitions provided for by the Law of Ukraine “On the Cleansing of Power”.

XII. In the sphere of activity of the state-owned scientific and production association “Fort” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, official information is provided that reveals:

1. Structure and staffing of the State Scientific and Production Association “Fort” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

2. Plans and reports for the production and supply of firearms, ammunition and special equipment, except for information constituting a state secret.

XIII. In the sphere of activity of the National Guard of Ukraine, the following information is available:

1. In the sphere of protection of public order — information revealing:

Plans for the interaction of military units of the National Guard with the expert service in case of receipt of reports of a threat of explosion or detection of explosive (suspicious of explosive) objects in places of performance of military tasks.

2. In the sphere of protection and defense of important state objects — information revealing:

1) a set of information on:

systems of protection and defense of the object subject to military protection and the forces and means involved;

instructions, timelines of posts, locations and routes of movement of goods and chat.

2) information about each object to be protected and defended by the military unit, in the aggregate of all indicators regarding the equipment of facilities with complexes of engineering and technical means of protection; places of their installation; technical characteristics; methods of their disconnection and data on vulnerable places.

3. In the sphere of convoy, extradition and protection of defendants during the trial, protection of court employees, law enforcement agencies, participants in criminal proceedings — information revealing:

1) a set of information on the organization of the system of protection of persons taken into custody, during the conduct of resonant (separate) judicial processes and the execution of extradition tasks (plans for the protection of these guards);

2) information contained in the plans for the search and detention of persons who escaped from custody (action plans during emergencies and emergency situations);

3) collection of information on the transportation of military units and units of the National Guard of Ukraine with equipment and weapons by rail transport.

4th. In the field of combat readiness — information revealing:

1) information on combat readiness for the performance of tasks assigned to the line battalion and units equal to them;

2) distribution of personnel of the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine, territorial administration and military unit by working groups (centers) at control points;

3) the order and frequency of reports (reports) on the activities carried out during the preparation for the performance of service-combat tasks according to the purpose and higher degrees of combat readiness;

4) information on readiness to perform tasks as assigned (combat and mobilization readiness, readiness to perform functional tasks);

5) the timing of sudden checks of combat and mobilization readiness (readiness to perform functional tasks, readiness to perform service and combat tasks as assigned) of the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine, territorial departments and military units of the National Guard of Ukraine;

6) the list, structure, procedure for the development and execution of planning documents of combat and mobilization readiness in the National Guard of Ukraine;

7) list, structure, procedure for the development and execution of planning documents of combat and mobilization readiness in the National Guard of Ukraine.

5. In the field of training of military administration bodies — information revealing:

Plans and summarized reports on conducting command and staff exercises (trainings) containing information on combat and mobilization readiness, territorial defense and anti-terrorist topics, unless information classified as state secrets are disclosed.

6. In the field of military service — information about:

1) forms of internal and garrison values;

2) a plan for the search and detention of servicemen who voluntarily left the military unit.

7. In the field of rear and technical support — information on:

1) organization of the rear and technical support of military operational reserves (reserves) of military units engaged in the performance of tasks during emergencies and in conditions of emergency, unless information that is classified as a state secret is disclosed;

2) calculations of the need, availability of weapons, military equipment and other material and technical means of military, operational reserves (reserves) of military units, unless information that is classified as a state secret is disclosed.

8. In the sphere of radiation and chemical safety protection service, engineering service — information revealing:

Information on the availability, technical condition of property and means of the nomenclature of the radiation and chemical safety protection service and engineering service in compounds and military units of troops (parts of permanent readiness).

9. In the field of combat support of anti-terrorist, special operations — information revealing:

1) a set of information on:

documents on the management of air defense units (DALI-PPO) of the National Guard of Ukraine (communication schemes, tables of call officers, extract from the table of sign codes);

plans for the use of air defense units of the National Guard of Ukraine, organization or implementation of interaction of air defense units and combat duty;

purpose, location (coordinates), technical condition, characteristics, systems of protection (protection) of the starting (firing position);

combat readiness of artillery units;

2) the location (coordinates) of the firing position, the command and observation post of artillery units during the performance of service and combat tasks;

3) readiness of artillery units to perform service and combat tasks;

4) reports (reporting) on the actions taken during the preparation for the performance of service-combat tasks and at the highest levels of combat readiness of artillery units, with the exception of information that is classified as a state secret.

10. In the field of moral and psychological support — information revealing:

1) information about the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the National Guard of Ukraine in the sectors of the anti-terrorist operation, as well as in the groups involved in the performance of military and military tasks;

2) information on the quantitative and personal composition of servicemen who are included in the group of enhanced psychological attention, the reasons for their enlistment and persons in need of psychological rehabilitation;

3) information on the results of professional and psychological examination of candidates for military service, servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine;

4) generalized information on the results of the study of the socio-psychological climate in military collectives;

11. In the field of health care — information revealing:

1) functional duties of the personnel of the medical service of the National Guard of Ukraine for a special period, which do not contain information constituting a state secret;

2) routes (routes) of evacuation of wounded and sick, transport used for their evacuation;

3) certificates of ownership of the main types of medical devices that must be kept in military units under peacetime status;

4) organization of medical support of military operational reserves of military units engaged in the performance of tasks during emergencies and in conditions of emergency, if at the same time information that is classified as a state secret is disclosed;

5) calculations of the needs, availability of medicines and medical property of operational reserves of military units, if at the same time information that is classified as a state secret is disclosed.

I'm 12. In the field of aviation — information revealing:

1) information revealing the materials of the investigation of the aviation incident;

2) information on the nomenclature and number of aircraft means of destruction;

3) information on state recognition of objects (“Password” system).


Director of the Department of Regime and Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


Yu.V. Tereshchenko