Dear colleagues!

In connection with the entry into force on June 23, 2023, of the Unified Register of Weapons and in order to gain access to it by economic entities, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine conducts training seminars.

For a successful start of the training seminar “Unified Register of Weapons”, we provide some important tips to help you prepare for training.

To get started, take the following steps to connect to the ERZ test and industrial environment:

1. Submit a questionnaire through the Ministry of Internal Affairs website here for training (the application deadline has been extended).

2. After processing the electronic Google form, you will receive an application in response. Please correctly indicate the name of the organization, EDRPOU/RNOKPP and e-mail address. In the block “Name of the licensing authority” — enter the name and address of the organization that provides the license for the conduct of activities.

3. After receiving the application, employees of SE “INFOTEH” — create an account and send information letters to e-mail:


a. The first is instructions for setting up a secure communication channel.


b. The second is a link to enter the ERZ test environment. Instructions for installing the Signature Agent.

To obtain instructional materials (pdf + video) — link in Teems to the specified address will receive a link to the Repository* with instructional materials.

c. Third — notification of the training, with the specified date, is sent a few days before it starts. Please, if you fail to complete the training on this day, please inform us in advance.

Contact Center of the Unified Register of Weapons:

+380 (44) 334 40 35


Note: the date of completion of the training can be changed by prior agreement with you.

*Repository is a dedicated server that stores and downloads instructional materials, software, etc.

Please comply with cybersecurity requirements, which include changing passwords and maintaining the privacy of your accounts.



organizers of the training seminar “Unified Register of Weapons”:

Department of interaction with the National Police of Ukraine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

State Enterprise “INFOTEH”