Telephone “hotline” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Appeals of citizens to the telephone “hotline” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are accepted by a single short number 1536 in accordance with the approved work schedule.

Each application is recorded in the registration card according to the established form, which indicates:

  • surname, first name, patronymic (if available) of the applicant,

  • telephone number, place of residence (location) of the applicant, the e-mail address to which the applicant can be sent a reply, or information about other means of communication with him;

  • the essence of the raised question, remark, suggestion, request or demand.

An appeal which does not set out the essence of the question raised shall not be considered, as the hotline operator informs the applicant.

If the applicant does not give his last name, name or does not provide other information, the appeal is registered as anonymous and is not subject to consideration.

Exceptions are reports of emergencies, criminal offenses or events that threaten the state security of Ukraine, may cause public resonance and require urgent response, as well as anonymous appeals for violations of legislation in the field of corruption prevention, if the information provided in them relates to a specific person and contains the fact data that can be verified.

Upon request of a reference and advisory nature, the operators of the “hotline”, within the scope of their competence, verbally provide the necessary clarifications or background information.

If the applicant uses profane language, insults, and if his appeal contains calls to incite national, racial, religious hatred, the hotline operator has the right to stop communicating with him and block using technical means from receiving applications from him.