Department of Social Security

Director Platonova Inessa

[email protected];
(044) 254-77-44 (044) 254-72-27

Main functions of the Department:

1) participation within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the formation and implementation of the state policy on social protection of the personnel of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine within the powers of the personnel of the central executive bodies, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister Internal Affairs of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as CEV) and the National Guard of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as NGU); 2) coordination and methodological support of the activities of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and on the instructions of the Minister within

their powers of activity of the CEV and NGU on social protection of servicemen of the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, persons of ordinary and senior staff of the Civil Protection Service, policemen who were released from captivity, were wounded as a result of the armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, and members their families, as well as family members of persons who have died (died), disappeared, are in captivity or taken hostage, interned in neutral countries (hereinafter referred to as victims and their family members);

3) participation within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the implementation of the rights and guarantees of combatants, war participants, persons with disabilities, persons who defended the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and took direct part in the anti-terrorist operation, the operation of the Joint Forces (hereinafter — ATO/OOO C), ensuring their implementation or in the implementation of measures to ensure national security and defense, repelling and deterring armed aggression of the Russian Federation, victims and members of their families, members of the families of the deceased Defenders and Defenders, participants elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, veterans of the internal affairs bodies and on the instructions of the Minister within the limits of the powers — the specified categories of persons of the CEV and NGU;

4) organization of the work of the commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the consideration of materials on recognition as participants in hostilities, participants of war on consideration of materials granting (deprivation) of the status of a participant in hostilities to persons (persons) of the rank, the chief staff of the internal affairs bodies, the status of a participant in the war to persons (persons) from among the employees of the units the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, registration and issuance of documents necessary for the recognition of a person as participants in hostilities, participants in war;

5) participation in the organization of health and recreation of children of employees of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, servicemen of the State Fiscal Service and NGU, persons of ordinary and senior staff, police officers, combatants.