Director Naumenko Serhii Mykolaiovych |
[email protected] |
Main functions of the Department:
1) participation in the implementation of strategic forecasting activities in the field of state aviation, development of strategies and projects for the development of aviation activity entities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, aviation units, units of RES and REB of the NGU and CEV, generalization of the practice of application of legislation and development of proposals for its improvement, development of regulations organizational and administrative acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on state aviation, amendments to them, revision of their compliance with the legislation of Ukraine;
2) planning, organizing and ensuring the implementation of measures for the functioning and development of a unified system of aviation security and civil protection in the part that falls under the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, and on behalf of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine — in the part that belongs to the competence of the aviation units of the Central Intelligence Agency as components of the security and defense sector;
3) development of organizational measures on biosphere monitoring during the formation of the security environment of Ukraine, analysis, generalization of information obtained through biosphere monitoring, in terms of committing criminal offenses against the environment and informing the relevant authorities about it.