Discussion of the plan of activities for 2022-2024 on the implementation of the National Strategy for the Promotion of Civil Society Development in Ukraine for 2021—2026

On November 02, 2021, at 11:00 AM, the Ministry of Internal Affairs will hold an online meeting to discuss the draft action plan for 2022-2024 on the implementation of the National Strategy for the Promotion of Civil Society in Ukraine for 2021 — 2026, approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated September 27, 2021 No. 487/2021.

We invite representatives of civil society institutions to participate.

You can join the online meeting at the specified time from the link: https://miaukraine.webex.com/miaukraine/j.php?MTID=m7ce127e7ce0072ffd18f6bd9632e9ef7. Meeting number (access code): 2731 188 2331. Meeting password: 0211

Proposals for the plan of activities for 2022 — 2024 for the implementation of the National Strategy for the Promotion of Civil Society Development in Ukraine for 2021 — 2026 within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine are requested to be prepared in writing in the form below and sent to the specified e-mail addresses.

Form for submission of proposals for the action plan for 202 2 — 202 4 years for the implementation of the
National Strategy for the Promotion
of Civil Society Development in Ukraine for 2021 — 2026

IN. Strategic directions

1. Ensuring effective procedures of public participation in the formation and implementation of state policy at the national and regional levels, resolving issues of local importance

Settlement at the legislative level of legal guarantees and mechanisms for the realization of freedom of peaceful assembly

January 2022 — December 2024

Executive authority responsible for the implementation of the event

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine

Description of the task

What problematic issue is the event aimed at solving?

Legal guarantees and mechanisms for the realization of freedom of peaceful assembly, including, in particular, spontaneous peaceful gatherings, counter-assemblies, development of methodological recommendations for mediation procedures, as well as amendments to other legislative acts in order to ensure guarantees of realization of freedom of peaceful assembly

How will the implementation of the event contribute to the solution of a certain social problem?

Impossibility of unjustified and disproportionate restriction of the right to peaceful assembly

Additional Information

Paragraph 39 Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 23, 2015 No. 1393-r “Approval of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy in the Field of Human Rights for the period up to 2020”

Planned steps (stages) of execution:

Step (stage) of execution

Responsible for execution



Performance Indicators



date of installation

Development of a draft law on legal guarantees and mechanisms for the implementation of freedom of peaceful assembly, with provision, in particular, for spontaneous peaceful gatherings, counter-assemblies, development of methodological recommendations for conducting mediation procedures, as well as amending other legislative acts in order to ensure guarantees of realization of freedom of peaceful stars Arrangements

Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs, NPU

Januar 2022

December 2024


Adoption of the Law

Development of methodological recommendations for conducting mediation procedures in accordance with the law on freedom of peaceful assembly


Januar 2022

December 2024

Developed methodological recommendations for mediation procedures

Conducting an information and information campaign for the public on the provisions of the law on freedom of peaceful assembly


Januar 2022

December 2024

Relevant round table meetings were held in each region

Expected result

Legal guarantees and mechanisms for the realization of freedom of peaceful assembly have been regulated at the legislative level

Financial and economic calculations

Does the implementation of the event require spending from the state or local budgets?



Will the implementation of the event have an impact on the revenue part of the state or local budgets?



Public Discussion Information

Date of discussion


What actions were taken in the framework of the discussion?


Contact information

Name of the responsible person from the executive authority responsible for the implementation of the event

Bulaiev Viktor Petrovych

Seredynskyi Anatolii Petrovych

Haiduchenko Oleh Petrovych


Acting Director of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Deputy Head of DPD — Head of the Department of Public Order of the NPU;

Deputy Head of Public Order Department — Head of Mass Events Control Department of NPU

Email address and phone number

(044) 254-25-94, [email protected]

(044) 256-18-84, [email protected]



Appendix 2

Form for submission of proposals for the action plan for 202 2 — 202 4 years for the implementation of the
National Strategy for the Promotion
of Civil Society Development in Ukraine for 2021 — 2026

IN. Strategic directions

4. Creating favorable conditions for intersectoral cooperation

Support for cross-sectoral cooperation aimed at preventing and combating fraud and other abuses in the field of charitable and voluntary activities, the provision of services and benefits, including the implementation of mechanisms to detect and prevent abuse and fraud

Dates of the start and end of the event

January 2022 — December 2024

Executive authority responsible for the implementation of the event

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, National Police of Ukraine, Local State Administrations and Local Self-Government Bodies

Description of the task

What problematic issue is the event aimed at solving?

Prevention of violations and abuse in the field of charity and volunteerism. Development of an effective mechanism of protection against fraud and other abuses in the field of charity.

How will the implementation of the event contribute to the solution of a certain social problem?

Increase public trust in public bodies and civil society organizations due to a decrease in the level of abuse.Will increase the number of public human rights organizations that will help law enforcement agencies to detect, prevent offenses, in the specified field.Implement mechanisms to detect and prevent abuse and fraud.

Additional Information

Paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Law of Ukraine “On the National Police” (police activities are carried out in close cooperation and interaction with the population, territorial communities and public associations on the basis of partnership and aimed at meeting their needs).

Planned steps (stages) of execution:

Step (stage) of execution

Responsible for execution



Performance Indicators



Completion date

Enshrine in the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses the norm on administrative liability for violation of the procedure established by law for public collection of charitable donations and for non-disclosure (non-provision of free access) to information about the income and expenses of a charitable organization in the manner prescribed by law;


January 2022 year

December 2022 year


Making relevant amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses

Development of recommendations for drug prevention and their elimination and the emergence of prerequisites for committing offenses in the sphere of charitable and volunteer activities, the provision of services and benefits.

NPU, Local State Administrations and Local Self-Government Bodies

January 2022 year

December 2022 year


Strengthening information and educational cooperation of charitable and public organizations, local public administrations and the National Police in the prevention of fraud in the public collection of charitable donations. Conducting trainings on the topic: “Prevention of fraud during public collection of charitable donations”, round tables “Prevention of fraud during public collection of charitable donations”

Conducting outreach work among the population aimed at preventing and countering fraud and other abuses in the field of charitable and volunteer activities, the provision of services and benefits.

NPU, Local State Administrations and Local Self-Government Bodies

January 2022 year

december 2024

To prevent fraud in the public collection of charitable donations, the population will assist law enforcement agencies in the detection and prevention of offenses in said area.

Expected result

Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses on Prosecution for Fraud and Other Abuses in the Field of Charity and Volunteering, Provision of Services and Benefits.

Achieve cross-sectoral cooperation to prevent and combat fraud and other abuses in the field of charitable and voluntary activities, the provision of services and benefits, including the implementation of mechanisms to detect and prevent abuse and fraud

Financial and economic calculations

Does the implementation of the event require spending from the state or local budgets?



Will the implementation of the event have an impact on the revenue part of the state or local budgets?



Public Discussion Information

Date of discussion


What actions were taken in the framework of the discussion?


Contact information

Name of the responsible person from the executive authority responsible for the implementation of the event

Bulaiev Viktor Petrovych

Sheremet Konstantin Yuriiovych


Acting Director of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Head of Coordination DepartmentUDOP DPD

Email address and phone number

(044) 254-25-94, [email protected]

(044) 254-73-74, [email protected]



Appendix 3

Form for submission of proposals for the action plan for 202 2 — 202 4 years for the implementation of the
National Strategy for the Promotion
of Civil Society Development in Ukraine for 2021 — 2026

IN. Strategic directions

4. Creating favorable conditions for intersectoral cooperation

Strengthening the communication of law enforcement agencies with human rights and other civil society institutions, in particular through the creation of consultative and advisory bodies in order to organize the exchange of information and discuss problematic issues related to the safety of the activities of representatives of civil society institutions

Dates of the start and end of the event

January 2022 — December 2024

Executive authority responsible for the implementation of the event

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, whose activities are directed and coordinated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Description of the task

What problematic issue is the event aimed at solving?

Raising the level of awareness of civil society institutions on participation in the formation and implementation of state policy.

How will the implementation of the event contribute to the solution of a certain social problem?

It will increase the quality of public participation and increase the number of proposals on socially important issues that are put up for discussion. It will form a clear understanding of the role of civil society in the development of a democratic state.

Additional Information

The Ministry of Internal Affairs has the right to involve in the prescribed manner specialists of central and local executive bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations (in agreement with their heads), scientists, experts, representatives of civil society institutions (with consent) to consider issues within the competence of the Ministry of Internal Affairs C;

The Ministry of Internal Affairs in the process of fulfilling the tasks assigned to it interacts in the prescribed manner with other state bodies, auxiliary bodies and services formed by the President of Ukraine, temporary advisory, advisory and other auxiliary bodies formed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, local self-government bodies, associations of citizens, public unions, trade unions and employers' organizations, relevant bodies of foreign states and international organizations, as well as with enterprises, institutions and organizations.

Planned steps (stages) of execution:

Step (stage) of execution

Responsible for execution



Performance Indicators



Completion date

Ensuring public participation in the formation and implementation of state policy by improving communication with civil society institutions in the areas of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Ministry of Internal Affairs, CEV activities of which are directed and coordinated by the Minister

January 2022

december 2024


Development and approval of a plan of regulatory acts and an indicative plan for consultations with the public and, accordingly, discussion of draft regulations and issues mentioned in these plans.

Provision of explanations and exchange of information in the fields of activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Expected result

Ensuring the consideration of public opinion in the process of preparation and organization of implementation of decisions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, formation and implementation of state policy.

Financial and economic calculations

Does the implementation of the event require spending from the state or local budgets?



Will the implementation of the event have an impact on the revenue part of the state or local budgets?



Public Discussion Information

Date of discussion


What actions were taken in the framework of the discussion?


Contact information

Name of the responsible person from the executive authority responsible for the implementation of the event

Bulaiev Viktor Petrovych


Acting Director of the Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Email address and phone number

(044) 256-15-94, [email protected]