The head of the National Police Igor Klymenko heard the state of the investigation of crimes against journalists

14.11.2019 15:56

The relevant working meeting with the leadership of the Main Investigation Department took place today, November 14.

According to the Deputy Head — Head of the Main Investigation Department of the National Police Maxim Tsuckiridze, all the facts pointed out in the letter by the representatives of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine have been carefully worked out:

“We got acquainted with the materials of criminal proceedings, listened to investigators investigating these crimes. Where necessary, we are ready to assist our colleagues in the regions, and have already drawn up plans for the necessary operational measures and investigative actions.”

Also, the leadership of the National Police will systematically report on the state of investigation of crimes of this category to representatives of the National Union of Journalists and the Council on Freedom of Speech and Protection of Journalists.

“I voiced my position during a recent parliamentary hearing, and it remains the same: every crime against journalists must be investigated qualitatively. And I want to emphasize that our main goal is not just to speed up the investigation. The main thing is the effective investigation and bringing to justice the perpetrators. Without any exceptions”, - summed up Igor Klymenko.


Recall: Last week, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine held parliamentary hearings on the safety of journalists' activities in Ukraine (hyper During the speech, the head of the National Police was given a list of registered cases of violations of the rights of media representatives over the past two years. Then Igor Klymenko promised to take personal control of the investigation of these proceedings and to conduct their hearing.

Communication Management

National Police of Ukraine

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