Address of the Chairman of the Ukrainian Association “Chernobyl” of bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vasyl Durdynets on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster

26.04.2021 07:41

Dear Chernobyl brethren! Dear families of the dead and deceased liquidators!

On this day, 35 years ago, the largest man-made disaster in human history occurred — a large-scale accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. This date is not a holiday for us — liquidators, forced migrants, all compatriots. This is a day of distress, indescribable pain, sorrow and mourning, deep gratitude to the heroes of firefighters and all those who, from the first minutes of the tragedy, without sparing their own lives and health, courageously, professionally, energetically, in terrible inhuman conditions, did everything possible to prevent the spread of fire to others power units, and agitated radiation — to cities and villages of Kyiv region and far beyond Kyiv region and Ukraine.

The events of April 26, 1986 are forever imprinted in our memory. Years pass, but the pain does not subside, and the anxiety does not leave us - people connected with the sad time of the Chernobyl disaster. In the capital of Ukraine, Kiev and other regions, numerous cities, memorials and monuments have been erected, testifying to the commemoration of the majestic feat of the participants in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In the terrible fire and agitated radiation, their sacrificial trail did not burn. The Chernobyl disaster is our lifelong pain! On this day, I want to declare once again that all, without exception, liquidators, namely 33 thousand firefighters, personnel of all services of the internal affairs bodies of Ukraine, servicemen of the internal forces, acted promptly, professionally, boldly and courageously in an extreme situation. They have performed their official and civic duty with dignity.

Special merit is the merit of firefighters of special paramilitary detachments, whose decisive actions were recognized by the State Commission not only as timely, professional, courageous, heroic, but most importantly - effective. Their heroic feat is deservedly noted at the state level and recognized all over the world. Unfortunately, all of them died in severe agony. Eternal glory, deep honor and respect for them!

It is appropriate to state that the Chernobyl tragedy would not have happened if the management of the station, the group of specialists who conducted the experiment at night, were responsible for its conduct. All of them in this unusual situation acted in a confused and unprofessional manner. This is the first, and the second - if the developers of the new type of reactor, which was in operation at the 4th power unit, had not made technical mistakes, while declaring that the reactor operating at that time was 100 percent reliable for operation. Which, as it turned out later, was not true.

The third is the unpreparedness of the management and all Chernobyl power plant services for operational, professional, coordinated actions in the event of an emergency situation at the station.

It will be fair if I say that the special state services, ministries and departments of the USSR and the USSR were not ready for immediate action in the event of an emergency situation at the nuclear power plant, with the exception of two special paramilitary units of firefighters stationed in the city. Pripyat. Their prompt, highly professional, heroic actions saved the situation at the first stage of the elimination of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident. Further, more coordinated activities of specialists of many ministries, departments, scientists, military personnel, local authorities continued around the clock in extremely difficult conditions of invisible radiation.

During the period from 1986 to 2020, 6,457 people died from those who participated in the elimination of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 13,717 were recognized as disabled. There are almost no completely healthy ones among the liquidators. Chernobyl residents, especially the families of dead and deceased liquidators, the disabled and seriously ill, deserve decent living conditions, pension provision, social protection, timely and effective treatment, recovery and rehabilitation, especially in the extremely difficult situation associated with the global COVID-19 pandemic, as well as economic difficulties in our country, and not only on the occasion of the anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy, but constantly and daily. This is the duty not only of the state, but also of the entire civil society.

On the initiative of the Ukrainian Association “Chernobyl” of bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with the support of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Borisovich Avakov, the heads of the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Migration Service of Ukraine employees, policemen, guards, border guards, rescuers of the system of organs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the central apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the National Police, their structural units, higher educational and research institutions joined the national commemoration of the liquidators of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident, voluntarily making a charitable contribution in the amount of daily wages. These funds, with the exception of certain regions (due to technical reasons), are transferred to widows, families of deceased and deceased liquidators, disabled people, the seriously ill for treatment, rehabilitation, rehabilitation and their household needs.

We, liquidators, express our gratitude to all who took part in this charitable cause, did not succumb to the call of individual former employees and those who work now, not to support the initiative of the Ukrainian Association “Chernobyl” of bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moreover, they tried to discredit this noble action through the Internet. It is a pity that there
are such people among us.

Despite all the adversities, we will continue to act together and work in the interests of the needy Chernobyl brothers, the families of the dead and the dead, we will stand in defense of their honor, dignity, well-being and health.

On the initiative of the winners of the All-Ukrainian Television Song Festival “Soloviki of Ukraine” during April 2021, our Association supported and organized the holding of the first Patriotic Song Festival “The Bells of Chernobyl — 2021”, dedicated to the 35th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster under Motto: “Chernobyl is our lifelong pain! The heroes of Chernobyl are not forgotten!” These are peculiar bells that remind the young generation that was born after the disaster, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the heroes of Chernobyl about the price of life given to them and the responsibility assigned to them — to strive for a dignified future and the affirmation of the virtues demonstrated by the heroes-liquidators.

Sincere gratitude for the organization and holding of the Festival by the jury of the competition, first of all to the famous artist, our fellow Chernobyl, People's Artist of Ukraine Mariana Ilyich Hadenko. Special thanks to the initiators of the Festival — the nighthawks of Ukraine for their talent, patriotism and indifference to the older generation — fighters for a sovereign and independent Ukrainian state, for their memory and sincere gratitude to the heroes of Chernobyl, because their feat will never be forgotten.

On behalf of the Ukrainian Association “Chernobyl” of bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I sincerely thank the leadership of the Ministry, personally to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Borisovich Avakov, the State Secretary Oleksiy Vladimirovich Takhtai, the heads of the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the Civil Service of Ukraine on Emergency Situations, the State Border Service of Ukraine, the State Migration Service of Ukraine, structural units, the Association of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Council of Veterans of the Central Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the All-Ukrainian Trade Union of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the departments of personnel, financial and accounting work, organizational and hardware work, health care and rehabilitation, communications, provision of equipment, institutions of higher education of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine, the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Migration service of Ukraine, as well as to all those who worked with us on a daily basis in extremely difficult conditions of quarantine restrictions, in order to pay respect, respect and gratitude to the participants Eliminate the consequences of the terrible disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and once again prove that their heroic feat will never be forgotten!

Special gratitude to the medical teams of the Central Hospital and Central Polyclinic of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and their managers and employees, as well as employees of medical and rehabilitation institutions in the regions of Ukraine for their impeccable daily work, care for liquidators and their family members.

I wish everyone — now living colleagues, Chernobyl brothers, your families, the families of the dead and deceased good health, family happiness, well-being, and to the whole Ukrainian people — sustainable peace, stability and unity of Ukraine, a better life and confidence in their personal security, reliability protection of the territorial integrity of the state, justice and the speedy victory over the historical enemy of the Ukrainian sovereign state! Good luck to you, dear compatriots!

With deep respect and sincere gratitude the Chairman of the Ukrainian Association “Chernobyl” of
bodies and troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the
Head of the Operational
Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for the organization of the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl
disaster (1986—1989), Minister of Ukraine for emergencies and protection of the population from the consequences
of Chernobyl Disaster of Byly

General of the Internal Service of Ukraine Vasyl DURDINETS

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