The attacker who destroyed the memorial to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and ATO soldiers in Pervomaisk was found by the police in the capital

15.12.2021 16:43

Law enforcement officers handed over a report on suspicion of committing hooliganism. For the crime committed, he faces up to five years of restriction of liberty.

Earlier it was reported that on December 8, the police received a report that in the center of the city of Pervomaisk, near the public transport stop on Hrushevskogo street, unknown people damaged and desecrated with inscriptions the memorial to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and ATO soldiers.

Law enforcement immediately began an investigation. Operational officers of the Criminal Investigation Department and the Pervomaisk Police Department processed the video from CCTV cameras, tracked the route of the offender's movement and established his identity. He turned out to be a 41-year-old resident of Kyiv, who had previously been repeatedly prosecuted for drug crimes.

Also, the police found out from the words of the attacker that he committed a crime for hooligan motives, for which he was paid 1500 UAH by unknown persons. This information is currently being verified. To do this, he came from Kiev to Pervomaisk. I bought paint bottles at a local store. Later, he damaged the inscriptions on the memorial plates to the soldiers of the ATO and with a hammer knocked off part of the monument to the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred.

Today, December 15, with the procedural support of the Pervomaisk District Prosecutor's Office, investigators accompanied by operatives arrived in the capital and handed the Kyiv citizen a report on suspicion of committing a crime stipulated in Part 1 of Art. 296 CCU “Hooliganism”. In accordance with the sanction of the incriminated article, the suspect faces up to five years of restriction of liberty.

Currently, law enforcement officers are investigating all the circumstances of the criminal offense. The pre-trial investigation continues.

Pervomaisk district police department of the Nikolaev area

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