Pre-trial investigation into members of a criminal organization that manufactured counterfeit medicines for cancer patients has been completed

29.10.2021 14:00

Medications were used in the treatment of cancer. The counterfeit was implemented by the attackers in the territory of five countries. During the searches, the police seized counterfeit medicines worth more than 15 million hryvnias.

Investigators of the Main Investigative Department of the National Police have completed a pre-trial investigation into the participants of the criminal organization. Criminals are incriminated for committing crimes provided for by several articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

- Part 1 tbsp. 255 (Creation of a criminal organization);

- Part 3 of Art. 209 (Legalization (laundering) of income obtained by criminal means);

- Part 3 of Art. 229 (Illegal use of a mark for goods and services, brand name, qualified indication of the origin of the goods);

- Part 3 of Art. 305 (Smuggling of counterfeit medicines);

- Part 3 of Art. 321-1 (Counterfeiting of medicines or circulation of counterfeit medicines).

The criminal organization consisted of five people, in particular two organizers - citizens of Ukraine, as well as three executors: two of them - foreigners, who had the necessary connections for the distribution of counterfeit medicines and the territory of other states.

Law enforcers found that the defendants “specialized” in the manufacture and smuggling of counterfeit medicines of well-known European brands. The drugs were prescribed for the treatment of cancer patients. The underground warehouse functioned in Kyiv. One package of drugs cost $1,500.

The investigators of the National Police, together with the prosecutors of the Prosecutor General's Office and employees of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, exposed the attackers. It has already been established that the defendants manufactured counterfeit medicines for three years. Counterfeit medicines were smuggled into the United States of America, Malaysia, India and Israel. Funds from the sale of counterfeit drugs were legalized through the purchase of luxury real estate and cars.

During the authorized searches at the place of criminal activity and the place of residence of the participants of the criminal organization, the police seized: equipment, containers, records with “rough” accounting, counterfeit medicines worth more than 15 million hryvnias, as well as 8 million hryvnias they received from illegal activities.

Violators face punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 15 years or life imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Communication Management

National Police of Ukraine


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