Ensuring equal rights and opportunities is an end-to-end approach in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - Kateryna Pavlichenko

17.06.2021 19:03

Today, June 17, there was a meeting of representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the international organization UN Women, during which the future directions of cooperation were determined.

“Ensuring equal rights and opportunities is an end-to-end approach in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and we owe its implementation to cooperation with the UN organization Women. For 4 years of cooperation, we have positive work results and excellent projects. The analyzes and studies that we carry out, the products that we create thanks to cooperation with UN Women, make it possible to systematically approach the problem of gender equality in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,” said Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Kateryna Pavlichenko.

She also noted the expert support of UN Women in the development of departmental Action Plans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the implementation of the National Action Plan for the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women, Peace, Security” and the preparation of proposals for the second National Action Plan 1325 for the period up to 2025 and the development of systems for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of these documents.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs sets itself ambitious goals to provide comprehensive support for the implementation of NPD 1325 measures at the level of each individual body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system, including at the local one,” said Kateryna Pavlichenko.

The Deputy Minister highlighted significant achievements in cooperation between the Ministry of Internal Affairs and UN Women, in particular the development of indicators of gender analysis of the career growth of civil servants in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, conducting advocacy and communication campaigns to highlight the role of women in the security sector.

“We also propose to consolidate our joint efforts in intensifying activities to empower women to participate in international peace and security operations, including an in-depth study of barriers,” added Ekaterina Pavlichenko.

The Deputy Minister also announced the gender assessment in the State Emergency Service, which runs from September 2020 and should be completed in September 2021.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs is one of our leading partners in creating programs that address gender violence. We hope that this direction of cooperation will continue. The steps you are taking increase the public's trust in law enforcement,” said UN Women in Ukraine Representative Erica Kvapilova

She also offered assistance to UN Women in detailing the internal plans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the implementation of Plan 1325, including structuring data monitoring, involving women in peacekeeping missions, developing joint information campaigns to raise awareness of gender violence.

During the meeting, Kateryna Pavlichenko told international colleagues about the Ukrainian Association of Law Enforcement Representatives:

“This is an organization created on the prototype of the International Association of Women Police Officers (IAWP). In 2019, the UAPPO became an affiliate member of the international association. Today, the association has more than 400 members (both women and men). In the following perspectives, the association determines the development of regional representation, mentoring, training of coaches. We are open to cooperation.”

In turn, Erica Kvapilova noted the importance of the association's activities and assured of readiness for cooperation.

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