Juvenile police officer Valentina Sprin: It is necessary to raise children in love and kindness

12.12.2021 10:58

Valentina works as an inspector of juvenile prevention in the Chernivtsi district police department. Choosing this direction of activity was inspired by her desire to help parents raise happy children. Currently, the police officer takes care of minors in the Sadhora microdistrict in Chernivtsi. She pays special attention to the wards of the International Center for Women and Children “City of Good”, located on the territory of the neighborhood. Each of them has its own terrible story, which forced them to seek shelter from volunteers.

Police Lieutenant Valentina Spryn is a lawyer by education. After working for some time in the police, the woman realized that she was most attracted to working with minors.

“I love children, I love to communicate with them,” Valentina shares. - I noticed that I have complete understanding with the child - I understand children, their desires, fears and always try to communicate with them in an accessible language. You can't yell at children, let alone beat them.”

The police officer enters the “City of Good” every day — she is interested in the mood, experiences of the wards of the Center and tries to help and support as much as possible. According to her, some women and their children are afraid to open up, and therefore sometimes it takes several weeks to look for an approach to them.

“In the City of Good are women who have fled domestic violence. I saw the fear in their eyes and tried to demonstrate by my own example that the policeman is the person who will help, tell, explain,” says the young police officer. “There are such mothers who grew up in boarding schools and have never experienced maternal love.

I try to convey how to love a child, how to caress it, how to raise it.”
Valentina Sprin conducts trainings with women, lectures on raising children, dealing with them, explains what violence is, what its types and how to counteract the abuser.

The police officer told about a recent case when one of the women allegedly reconciled with her husband and was already about to leave the “City of Good”:

“When my husband arrived, I decided to talk to him, find out about plans to restore relationships and save the family. But it turned out that he was not interested in this - he only wanted his wife to remove the lawsuit against him from the court. Despite my presence, the man put psychological pressure on the woman and children, swore and threatened physical abuse. Of course, I couldn't leave them in danger.”

The inspector of juvenile prevention returned the woman and her three children to the “City of Good” and convinced the aggressive man to leave the Center.

According to Marta Levchenko, the founder of the City of Good, 80% of women currently in the Center are victims of domestic violence.

“Their children have witnessed violent acts for years and suffered a serious injury, which our psychologists are now trying to cope with,” says Marta Levchenko. “But most of all they are afraid that one day their abuser will visit the crisis center. And it is this security, protection from violent acts that makes them feel our cooperation with the police and the young police officer Valentina.”

Police Communication Department of Chernivtsi Oblast


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