Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs starts the first recruitment of cadets in the specialty “Accounting and Taxation”
Prospective cadets will gain the educational qualification of Bachelor of Accounting and Taxation. Applicants must submit an online application by May 15, 2021 on the web portal, which is intended for electronic registration of candidates for studies in higher education institutions with specific study conditions
Starting in 2021, on the basis of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs, the recruitment of a group of cadets in the specialty 071 “Accounting and Taxation” by educational qualification — Bachelor of Accounting and Taxation has been introduced.
Recruitment is carried out by state order, the form of training is full-time, cadets. Cadets of the University are on special military registration and are not subject to temporary conscription into the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
In addition, KHNUVS cadets on a free basis, at the expense of the state budget, are provided with a hostel, food, uniforms and money, a training base and access to the necessary information resources. After obtaining the educational qualification level of the bachelor, it is possible to continue studying in the master's degree.
According to the results of the training, graduates will be able to occupy the positions of the heads of the financial, accounting and audit units of the National Police, other structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the areas of activity related to finance, accounting and audit.
All those who want to obtain this education must submit an online application by May 15, 2021 on the web portal, which is intended for electronic registration of candidates for studies in higher education institutions with specific study conditions
When creating an online questionnaire, you must choose: Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs - Faculty 2 - specialty 071 Accounting and Taxation.
We note that after this period, the questionnaire can be filled in in the personnel support unit that carries out the selection (sector of organizing the selection and certification of police officers), only after submitting the entire package of documents.
After submitting the online application, a package of documents will be sent to your e-mail, which must be printed and filled out by hand.
Applicants must pass a physical training exam, as well as an external independent assessment (hereinafter — ZNO) with:
1. Ukrainian language and literature (compulsory);
2. mathematics (compulsory);
3. to choose the entrant: history of Ukraine, foreign language, biology, geography, physics, chemistry (one of the listed in paragraph 3).
For all related questions, you can contact the admissions committee of KHNUVS by calling:
(057) 739-8-300, (057) 739-8-310, (097) 680-13-53; e-mail address