Explosion at Burshtina TPP: the station operates in normal mode

29.11.2021 11:27

On November 28, at 22:12 the dispatcher of the KNP “Regional Clinical Center for Emergency Care and Disaster Medicine” received a report of an explosion at the “Burshtynska TPP” JSC “DTEK Zakhidenergo” in the city of Burshtyn, Ivano-Frankivsk district.

At the power unit No. 7 of the boiler and turbine workshop of BP “Burshtynska TPP” JSC “DTEK Zahidenergo” due to a rupture of a screen pipe with a diameter of 60 mm. The boiler emitted a hot steam water mixture and gases from the boiler furnace. According to the head of change of VP “Burshtynska TPP”, the incident occurred at 21:31 h.

According to the information of KNP “OKCED and MK”, 4 people were injured as a result of the incident, including 2 employees of the enterprise “Burshtynska TSE”, hospitalized in OKL city. Ivano-Frankivsk and 2 employees of the contractor organization “Galremenergo”, hospitalized in Burshtinsk ML.

The station operates in normal mode, this event did not affect the safety of the power system.

According to the materials of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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