Valeriy Sokurenko to young specialists of KHNUVS: “Step forward confidently, work honestly for the benefit of the Ukrainian people!”

03.07.2021 18:45

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs graduated 1333 young specialists of Faculty No. 6 — bachelors and masters — both full-time and part-time studies in specialties: “Law”, “Law Enforcement”, “Psychology”, “Cybersecurity”, “Finance, Banking” and insurance”. 65 graduates received diplomas with honors.

The rector of the university was congratulated by the rector of the university, the police general of the third rank, Valery Sokurenko. The event was attended by the first vice-rector Dmitry Shvets, vice-rectors Sergey Bortnyk, Mikhail Burdin, Leonid Mogilevsky, Anatoly Klochko, heads of departments and departments, parents and relatives of graduates.

The participants observed a moment of silence in memory of the heroes who died in the struggle for a free, independent Ukraine, and traditionally laid flowers at the monument to the law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty.

Higher education diplomas were awarded to graduates by rectors and vice-rectors.

Addressing young people, Rector Valery Sokurenko noted: “Within the walls of the university, you have acquired the necessary professional knowledge and skills that will help you realize in the profession, but the learning process does not stop there, you need to learn all your life. The university remains dear to you, the doors are always open. So creatively master new knowledge, honor the glorious traditions of our higher educational institution! Be worthy of your teachers, your parents. Step forward confidently, work honestly and serve for the benefit of the Ukrainian people! Glory to Ukraine!”

Iryna Panova, head of the Department of Law Enforcement and Police Studies, wished the graduates a happy fate and professional growth on behalf of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university.

On behalf of the graduates, Anna Shevtsova thanked her for the knowledge and experience gained during her studies, leadership and staff of the university.

The celebrations ended with a musical gift, which was prepared by the artistic performance team of the department of social and humanitarian work of the university and cadet units of drummers and carabiners.



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