KHNUVS began training in specialization courses for district police officers

29.03.2021 14:32

206 police officers — representatives of various units of the National Police from 16 regions of Ukraine arrived at the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs for training in the specialized courses of district police officers assigned to the police stations of the united territorial communities.

The rector of the university, police general of the third rank Valery Sokurenko, and the head of the department for interaction with communities of the Department of Preventive Activities of the NPU, Senior Lieutenant of Police Maya Breslavska, addressed the police with suggestive words.

The rector of the university noted that “both employees of the scientific and pedagogical staff of the university, who already have experience in training police officers of communities, as well as representatives of practical units, will be involved in the educational process. The university has all the conditions for mastering the necessary knowledge and skills. Focus on the learning process, be organized, follow discipline and quarantine requirements!”.

Maya Breslavska stressed that the “Community Police Officer” project is another important step towards reforming the National Police, as well as one of the most successful and demanded by society: “The heads of the amalgamated territorial communities are looking forward to you. You have been carefully selected, made a lot of effort to get to the project. Take advantage of this chance, which provides you with opportunities for service and career growth. Persevere in mastering new knowledge! It depends on how effective your service will be.”

After the completion of the solemn events for the students of the courses, classes began according to the schedule.


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