The Government of Ukraine has approved amendments concerning the decision to grant an immigration permit

21.07.2021 15:35

Today, July 21, 2021, at a meeting of the Government of Ukraine approved a resolution amending the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 18, 2020 No. 259 “Some issues of implementation of legislation in the field of migration for the period of quarantine throughout Ukraine”.

The amendments, in particular, provide for the exclusion from the current version of the regulations governing the conditions for the release of persons from administrative responsibility during quarantine. This is due to the fact that in accordance with the requirements of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses, the grounds and conditions for bringing persons to administrative responsibility or exemption from it should be settled exclusively at the legislative level and to date the issue of the grounds for the release of persons from administrative responsibility during the quarantine period has been settled The Law of Ukraine “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Aimed at Preventing the Occurrence and Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)”.

Thus, the introduction of these amendments to the resolution will further avoid conflicts of legislation and will contribute to increasing the level of prevention and counteraction of illegal migration in Ukraine, other violations of migration legislation for the period of quarantine throughout Ukraine.

The resolution is also supplemented by a new paragraph, which provides for an extension of up to two years from the date of adoption of decisions on granting immigration permits to Ukraine, adopted within one year before the establishment of quarantine or during the period of quarantine. This will provide an opportunity to resolve the issue of issuing permanent residence permits in Ukraine for foreigners or stateless persons who, due to the introduction of quarantine measures, were unable to apply to the bodies of the State Migration Service during the validity of the permit.

The resolution will enter into force 10 days from the date of its official publication.

State Migration Service of Ukraine

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