As a result of a large-scale special operation, Kharkiv police officers stopped the criminal activity of the pharmacy chain of the city

03.06.2021 12:10

The pharmacists of these institutions violated the rules for dispensing combined and narcotic drugs, selling them to drug addicts without prescriptions. As a result of searches at six facilities, the police seized medical drugs, the approximate price of which on the “black market” is about 2 million hryvnias.

In March, the Department for Combating Drug Crimes in the Kharkiv Region of the Department for Combating Drug Crimes of the NPU received operational information that the owner and purveyors of Kharkiv pharmacy establishments are engaged in criminal activities - sell combined and narcotic drugs in violation of the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. Also, the police received a lot of appeals from citizens with complaints about the illegal activities of pharmacy institutions, whose employees systematically sell narcotic drugs to drug addicts.

According to this fact, the investigative department of IP No. 1 of HRUP No. 1 opened criminal proceedings under Part 1 of Art. 320 (violation of the established rules for the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues or precursors) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

During the development of operational information, the employees of the Office for the Fight against Drug Crime established that the limited liability company sells combined and narcotic drugs through a network of pharmacy establishments in violation of the requirements of the current legislation of Ukraine. It also turned out that in the License Register there is no information about obtaining an LLC license for the right to carry out business activities for the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. A 47-year-old Kharkiv resident headed the activities of the limited liability company, the pharmacy chain included 6 establishments located on the territory of Kharkiv.

In order to document the criminal activities of participants of illegal business, within the framework of the specified criminal proceedings, the police carried out a number of operational measures, as a result of which they received confirmation of the illegal activities of the pharmacy network's pharmacists.

On June 2, employees of UBN in Kharkiv region of DBN NPU together with investigators of SV VP № 1 HRUP № 1, under the procedural direction of the Slobidsk District Prosecutor's Office of the city. Kharkiv, carried out a number of authorized searches in pharmacy establishments located on Aleksandrovsky, Moskovskyi, Nauka, Gagarin, and streets of Voyarovaya and Poltava Shlyakh. As a result of the measures taken, the police seized medicines in ampoules and blisters, the approximate price of which on the “black market” is about 2 million hryvnias, as well as cash and rough records of criminal activity of the defendants.

Currently, the channel for the receipt of drugs, consumers and all participants in the illicit enrichment scheme is established.

The withdrawn drugs are sent for expert research.

The issue of choosing preventive measures for those involved is being resolved. In accordance with the sanction of the article, they face years of imprisonment up to 3 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to 3 years.

Police Communication Department of Kharkiv Oblast

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