In Novi Yarilovichi, international experts shared with border guards the experience of detecting fake documents

17.06.2021 10:08

The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine constantly introduces innovations to combat cross-border crime, achieve an adequate level of security at the border and create comfortable conditions for travelers.

To this end, the department is actively developing international cooperation.

At the border with Belarus, international experts - representatives of the European agency FRONTEX, share with Ukrainian border guards their experience in detecting fake and invalid documents.

So, yesterday an expert from Greece started work at the international checkpoint for road traffic “Novi Yarilovichi”, this is the third representative of the European agency FRONTEX to detect forged, foreign or invalid documents. Also at this checkpoint from April this year, experts from France and Poland work.

As a reminder, FRONTEX is the European Agency for the Protection of the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union. This agency is responsible for coordinating the activities of national border services and ensuring the reliability of the borders of EU member states with other countries.

According to the materials of the press service of the State Fiscal Service


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