Graduation of cadets took place in DDUVS

03.07.2021 12:56

Dnepropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs held its graduation today. 47 students who studied under the program “2 years cadet — 1 year trainee”, as well as 212 cadets received diplomas of higher education and were ordained as defenders of law and order.

“Dear graduates, over the years of study you have gained deep theoretical knowledge, practical skills, excellent physical special training — all that is necessary for the successful performance of professional duties. For each of you, graduation is an important stage in your biography, the beginning of a professional path. Today you have youth, energy, knowledge and all the opportunities to successfully serve and grow professionally in the ranks of the National Police of Ukraine,” said Andriy Fomenko, rector of DDUVS.

The rector said that this year, for the first time, the graduation of cadets of the newly created Faculty of Strategic Investigations took place within the walls of the university. Note that the specialty is unique, and the faculty is the only one in Ukraine.

He congratulated the cadets on the release of Acting Deputy Head of the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine Oleksandr Lapko.

“Ahead of you is a big professional swim, in which, I assure you, it will not be easy, but it will definitely be interesting. You have chosen a difficult path: it is important not just to put the knowledge gained into practice. It is much more important not to lose faith in one's own strength, to strengthen confidence in one's own choice, not to betray values and principles,” he said.

Graduates of DDUVS who received diplomas of the educational degree “Bachelor” with honors are awarded the first special rank of “senior lieutenant of police”.

As part of the event, all those present honored the police officers who died in the line of duty with a minute of silence. Cadets laid flowers at the monument to the dead law enforcement officers.

There was also a traditional farewell ceremony with the university flag. At the end of the event, the graduates marched in a solemn march, arranging a traditional coin rain.

Press service of DDUVS










Public Relations Department

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