Another Security Center has been launched in Chernivtsi region

18.11.2021 10:24

Its opening took place on November 17 in Velikokuchuriv territorial community. Now more than 15 thousand Bukovyans living in the community have the opportunity to quickly get help from police, rescuers and medics.

This is the second Center for Security of Citizens on the territory of the Chernivtsi region. Let us remind: the first such Center was established in Bukovina two years ago in the village of Luzhany of the Mamaev territorial community. Its appearance has positively affected the quality and efficiency of providing the population with services for the protection of life, health and private property.

The grand opening of the new Center for Security of Citizens took place in the village of Velykyi Kuchuriv with the participation of the leadership of the local police unit, the Main Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi region, the head of the territorial community and local residents.

In addition to the help of emergency services, citizens can also receive CNAP services in the newly created Center.

During the opening, the team of the Center for Citizen Safety familiarized the residents of the community with their equipment and equipment and demonstrated their full readiness to respond as quickly as possible to any threats to the safety of the residents of the community.

Police Communication Department of Chernivtsi Oblast

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