In Buchansky district, a 15-year-old minor shot a 16-year-old boy with an air rifle

10.06.2021 16:00

After completing the ZNO, 4 schoolchildren went to the private house of one of the comrades, took a pneumatic gun and decided to take photos with it for social networks.

As a result, a 15-year-old girl pressed the trigger and shot a 16-year-old boy in the chest. The young man died on the spot.

According to preliminary data, the father of the murdered guy was supposed to give him this gun.

According to this fact, the police of the Kiev region opened criminal proceedings under Art. 119 (Murder by negligence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for the restriction of liberty for a period of three to five years or imprisonment for the same term.

The police are currently investigating all the circumstances of the incident.

Dear parents, we remind you that guns are not toys! Ignorance and non-compliance with safety rules entails serious consequences! Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

Kyiv Oblast Police Communications Department


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