In 37 cities of Ukraine, school police officers will conduct interactive training on road safety for children - Kateryna Pavlichenko

03.09.2021 16:16

This was announced today, September 3, by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Ekaterina Pavlichenko.

The Deputy Minister stressed that information and prevention campaigns play an important role in promoting the creation of a safe environment for young Ukrainians. The bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on an ongoing basis carry out measures aimed at the safety of children in the school environment.

“From September 1 to 10, within the framework of the All-Ukrainian action of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Knowledge Day”, 200 school police officers in 37 cities of Ukraine will conduct preventive trainings for students on the observance of traffic rules and safe behavior on the street. And already from September 13, educational events “Day with a policeman and a rescuer” will start in Ukraine. Rescuers and police officers will explain to schoolchildren the rules of safe behavior and travel, during emergencies and demonstrate samples of special equipment and special equipment,” she said.

Recall that since September 1, 2016, the project “School Police Officer” was launched in Ukraine. These are inspectors of public relations departments who work in partnership with students, teachers, school administration, parents and other police and community bodies in order to create and maintain a healthy and safe school environment, carry out educational and preventive activities aimed specifically at preventing negative phenomena due to formation in children and Adolescents' knowledge, skills, and skills that promote responsible, adaptive, safe behavior.

In addition, today the Minister of Internal Affairs Denis Monastyrsky held an interactive lesson for the students of the Kyiv school on the observance of traffic rules and safe behavior on the street.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

PHOTO by Mykola Anatskogo


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