In 2022, the number of community police officers will increase at least three times - Denis Monastyrsky

06.09.2021 16:35

This was announced today, September 6, by the Minister of Internal Affairs during the presentation of the priority directions and projects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Denis Monastyrsky said that currently one of the most important and promising projects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the “Community Police Officer”.

“Today, more than 600 such police officers are already successfully working in 372 amalgamated territorial communities of 21 regions. We see that trust in community police officers is over 70% where they are,” the minister said.

According to Denis Monastyrsky, the goal of the project is to provide service to each territorial community by an officer who lives and works on its territory.

“Such police should be in every ATG. It is planned that by the end of 2021, one thousand community police officers will begin their duties. And in 2022, their number will increase at least three times, the total number will be about two thousand,” the minister said.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

PHOTO by Mykola Anatskogo



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