Border guards exposed the scheme of illegal export of amber from Ukraine to the UAE and Qatar

05.06.2021 11:58

Employees of the State Border Guard Service together with customs officers prevented the export of amber stones from Ukraine.

It was planned to ship 12 kg of “solar stones” of various sizes and shapes abroad.

To expose the scheme, border guards of the operational and search unit of OKPP “Kyiv” together with employees of Kyiv Customs conducted an inspection of international postal items. Amber stones of large fractions were found in two parcels. The weight of some stones of the precious gem was up to 1.5 kg.

In this way, our compatriot sent amber to Qatar and the UAE.

According to this fact, customs officers drew up protocols on violation of customs rules. Stones removed. Its cost will be set additionally.

We will note that the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine carries out active measures to prevent illegal export of amber from Ukraine. In total, last year, border guards prevented the illegal export of almost 600 kg of amber across the border, and in the first quarter of 2021 - more than 110 kg.


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