Representatives of the Faculty of Cyberpolice of the KhNUVS helped to find a woman who committed domestic violence against a child

28.10.2021 10:12

1st year cadet of Faculty No. 4 of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs Dmytro Yushchuk and senior lecturer of the Department of Cybersecurity and Data Technologies of Faculty No. 6 Alexey Rvachov helped the police collect data on a woman who committed domestic violence against a child.

During the monitoring of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet by the participants of the University Training Center for the fight against cybercrime and cyberspace monitoring in one of the news groups in the Telegram messenger, a message from an Internet user was found in which he reported the facts of domestic violence that he had committed, as he claimed author of the post, one of the users of the social network Instagram in relation to her 4-year-old son. The message was accompanied by screenshots of video broadcasts on the social network Instagram, which captured a woman and a child at the time of the beating.

Representatives of the university searched and analyzed information from open sources on the Internet, collected data on the identity of the woman who could be depicted in the footage with the beating of a child, and transmitted the information to the employees of the JUVENILE PREVENTION UNIT of the GUNP in the Kharkiv region for verification and response in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine.

Kharkiv police officers received information that according to the results of the check, the identities of the woman and the child were identified, which were recorded in the published messages. An administrative protocol has been drawn up for the child's mother for committing the actions provided for in Art. 173-2 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses — Committing Violence in the Family. The boy was removed from the family and transferred to the care of doctors.

During their studies at the university, higher education applicants — future employees of the cyber police are actively involved to assist the employees of the National Police of Ukraine. The University cooperates with the departments of the Department of Cyberpolice, Juvenile Prevention, Criminal Analysis and Pre-Trial Investigation.

Cadets and students of the university acquire not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills, but also gain personal experience in countering various offenses, solving cybercrimes, etc.



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