Law enforcement officers detained a man who threw a Molotov cocktail into the house of the deputy head of the OPU

22.10.2021 10:22

As a result of the incident, there are no injured persons. Law enforcement officers establish the identity and motives of the customer of the crime.

Today, around 4 am in the Darnytskyi district of Kiev, National Police and SBU operatives detained a man who threw a bottle with a flammable mixture into the courtyard of the house of the Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, responsible for the direction of European integration.

It is established that the attacker is a 25-year-old man without a permanent place of work and residence. Originally from Kosari village, Kamensky district of Cherkasy region. He said that on one of the job classifieds sites he found a message about an order to set fire to the house of an unknown person. From his words, he received the address of the victim and instructions from the customer through the messenger “Telegram”. The promised paid 4 thousand US dollars after information about the attack on the official's house appeared in the media. The motives of the customer are not known to him.

Currently, the Cyberpolice and other operational services are working to establish the identity of the perpetrator of the crime. Legal qualification of the event — Part 2 of Art. 194 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (intentional destruction or damage to property by arson). The offender is detained in accordance with Art.
208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. The issue of notifying the suspect to the detainee is resolved.

Kyiv Police Communications Department

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