The organizer of illegal migration across the Ukrainian-Slovak border was exposed by border guards

16.06.2021 15:09

Operational officers of the Chop Border Patrol have discredited the channel of illegal migration of Indian citizens from Ukraine to EU countries. Foreigners are increasingly resorting to illegal activities, who for the sake of earnings carry out illegal transportation of immigrants from their own countries to the states of Western Europe.

The establishment of culprits in such cases requires special efforts from border guards, because it is easier for the organizers of illegal activities, so to speak, to “dissolve” among their compatriots. At the same time, carriers do not disdain the vulnerable state of the latter, often endangering their lives and health.

In particular, on the night of May 28-29 of this year, four Indian citizens were detained by the border guard unit of the Onokovtsy detachment of the Chopin detachment just near the state border crossing. In the course of further analysis of the circumstances of the offense, the survey of the participants of the incident and the detailed study of the collected data, the operatives of the Main Operations and Investigation Department of the Chop Detachment established that among the detained citizens of India there is a person who directly carried out the illegal transportation of his fellow citizens across the state border.

This became the basis for sending to the address of the Uzhgorod district police department a notice on the detection of signs of a criminal offense, provided for in art. 332 Criminal Code “Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine”.

In the process of prompt support of criminal proceedings, submitted to the EHRD based on the materials of the operative and search unit of the Chopsky Detachment, under the procedural leadership of the Uzhgorod District Prosecutor's Office, irrefutable evidence of the guilt of the detained Indian citizen in the organization and implementation of illegal the transfer of three Indian citizens across the Ukrainian-Slovak border.

On the basis of the evidence collected this week, the investigator of the Uzhgorod district police department was informed of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense stipulated in Part 2 of Article 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, after which the criminal proceedings will be sent to trial.

Press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine



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