National guards took part in anti-terrorist exercises near the contact line in Donbas

01.06.2021 11:03

The Security Service of Ukraine conducted two-day anti-terrorist tactical and special exercises in the area of the Joint Forces. The final phase of training took place in the front-line Avdiivka.

The training took place at the main strategic object of the city in conditions as close as possible to the real ones. The exercises were attended by representatives of regional units of the SBU, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Headquarters of the United Forces, the National Guard, the National Police, the State Emergency Service, the State Border Guard Service, state authorities and local self-government.

The main objective of the training activities was to check and increase the level of interagency interaction in the conditions of possible sabotage and terrorist threats.

The participants of the meeting worked out an algorithm of joint actions to neutralize the “saboteurs”, who, according to the legend of the exercises, planned to carry out sabotage at the Avdievsky coke plant and flee the city. The security forces carried out a complex of operational-search, counter-intelligence and filtering measures to identify and neutralize conditional criminals. Thanks to the coordinated actions of all training units, conditional criminals were promptly identified and detained, the consequences of their subversive activities were neutralized.

The leadership of the Headquarters of the Anti-Terrorist Center of the SBU analyzed in detail each phase of the special operation, noting the effectiveness of the forces and means involved. The representatives of the involved counter-terrorism actors were also given additional recommendations on increasing the level of preparedness to counter terrorist threats.

Press service of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine

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