A criminal group that “supplied” the region with psychotropic substances will be tried in Zhytomyr region

01.07.2021 11:53

On June 30, the investigators of the GUNP in the Zhytomyr region handed indictments to the members of the organized criminal drug group, who were exposed by the police in the systematic illegal manufacture and sale of wholesale batches of psychotropic substances.

The pre-trial investigation was conducted by detectives of the Investigative Department of the GUNP of the region, accompanied by the operatives of the Zhytomyr Department of the Department of Internal Security of NPU and the procedural leadership of the Zhytomyr Regional Prosecutor's Office.

The activities of the group were exposed and stopped by the police at the end of January 2021, immediately after the production by the participants of the next wholesale batch of amphetamine, which was intended for sale in Zhytomyr region. Then law enforcement officers detained five people.

During the sanctioned searches at the place of manufacture and storage of drugs, investigators seized amphetamine, precursors, cannabis, equipment for the production of products, cash, mobile phones and other evidence of criminal activity from the defendants.

During the pre-trial investigation, it was established that the organizer of the criminal group was a 35-year-old Zhytomyr resident who involved four of his acquaintances, residents of Zhytomyr and the region in illegal activities. He coordinated and ensured the process of manufacturing and supplying amphetamine to the region.

Drug group participants set up drug laboratories on the territory of garage cooperatives of the regional center and in abandoned premises. They purchased equipment for the manufacture and storage of the psychotropic substance, the necessary components and precursors. Throughout 2020 and January 2021, drug gang members systematically manufactured amphetamine, which was distributed in batches of 100-200 grams to trusted dealers in the region.

The funds received from such activities were distributed by the members of the group among themselves, allocating part of them for the purchase of the next batch of equipment and components necessary for the further work of the drug laboratory.

The investigators, having received the results of relevant expert studies and having collected sufficient evidence of the group's criminal activities (13 volumes of criminal proceedings), declared to five members of the organized group the suspicion of committing a number of criminal offenses: - Part 3 of Art.
27 (Types of accomplices), part 3 of Art. 28 (Committing a criminal offense by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, organized group or criminal organization); - part 3 of Art.
307 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation, shipment or sale of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code; - part 2 of Art.
309 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues without the purpose of sale) of the Criminal Code; - part 2 of Art.
311 (Illegal production, manufacture, acquisition, storage, transportation or shipment of precursors) of the Criminal Code; - Part 2 of Art.
317 (Organization or maintenance of places for the illegal use, production or manufacture of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

After the completion of all necessary procedural actions, the pre-trial investigation was completed, and on June 30, the investigators handed over the indictments to the participants of the organized criminal drug group. Therefore, the next stage is the consideration of the collected materials by the court.

For such actions, those involved may face up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Zhytomyr region police communication department

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