In Khmelnytskyi Oblast, a man was criminally prosecuted for psychological abuse of his wife

08.04.2021 11:45

Polonsky District Court found a 52-year-old local resident guilty of intentional systematic psychological violence and sentenced him to 150 hours of community service. In addition, the man will have to undergo a correctional program for offenders for a period of three months.

Police officers of Shepetivsky district systematically carried out preventive work with a domestic abuser from the city. Polonyi, however, the abuser continued to exert psychological pressure on his wife.

According to the collected police materials, the Polonsky District Court issued four rulings that brought the man to administrative responsibility for committing domestic violence (parts 1 and 2 of Article 173-2 of the KUPP) and fined him (the last time - 500 hryvnia).

However, this did not stop the offender: on the afternoon of February 2, 2021, the police recorded another fact of psychological domestic violence - the husband spoke obscenely against his wife, threatened physical abuse, showed aggression.

This time the law enforcement officers had to calm down the offender, but the woman said that for almost thirty years of marriage, quarrels constantly arise between them due to the fact that the husband abuses alcohol.

This time, the police began criminal proceedings on the grounds of Art. 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Domestic Violence).

After evaluating the evidence, the court came to the conclusion that the guilt of the accused in committing a criminal offense provided for by Article 126-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is fully proven and determined him to be punished in the form of 150 hours of public work.

In addition, the man will have to undergo a correctional program for offenders for a period of three months. The court entrusted control over the behavior of the convict to the probation authorities at his place of residence.

Sector of communication of the police of Khmelnytskyi region


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