In Vinnytsia region, police officers exposed an organized criminal group that established a scheme for theft of forest products

14.04.2021 11:10

On April 13, the detective investigators of the GUNP in the Vinnytsia region together with the employees of the Strategic Investigations Department with the support of KORD fighters conducted a special operation on the territory of Vinnytsia and Volyn regions, during which they documented the criminal activities of a stable group with signs of organization among the service personnel persons of forestry enterprises of the Vinnytsia region, economic entities and individual entrepreneurs.

Procedural management in criminal proceedings is carried out by the prosecutor's office of the Vinnytsia region.

According to the head of the GUNP in Vinnytsia region Ivan Ishchenko, the organized group included seven people who committed theft of wood of especially valuable species. The investigation documented the facts of illegal deforestation in the territory of Vinnytsia region. Subsequently, high-quality forest products on forged documents with a low grade of wood were sold to a woodworking enterprise on the territory of Volyn region in cash and non-cash form. It was established that the members of the group sold illegally harvested wood for a long time, including abroad.

Detectives conducted 11 authorized searches in the territory of Vinnytsia and 2 searches in the territory of Volyn regions.

Investigators seized cash in the amount of more than 65 thousand US dollars, more than 122 thousand hryvnias, 130 euros, 200 PLN, laptops, mobile phones, goods and transport invoices with log accounting of wood and for the transportation of wood, rough records for accounting of forest products and its write-off, seals business entities, carriers of information from personal computers of intruders, 285 logs of round oak, 26 logs of round pine, invoices, contracts for the purchase and sale of wood, bank cards, 3 trucks for transportation of forest products and 2 passenger cars.

The actions of intruders are qualified under Part 3 of Article 191 (Appropriation, embezzlement of property or possession of it by abuse of official position).

In addition, the actions of these persons show signs of crimes provided for in Articles 246 (Illegal smuggling or illegal transportation, storage, sale of forest) and 366 (Counterfeiting) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The investigation is ongoing. For committing such crimes, those involved in the proceedings are threatened with up to eight years in prison.


Department of communication of police of Vinnytsia region


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