In Dnipropetrovsk region, the police detained the head of a state-owned enterprise for collecting 120 thousand hryvnias of a bribe

24.09.2021 12:20

The operatives of the Strategic Investigations Department in the Dnipropetrovsk region of the National Police exposed the corruption activities.

Yesterday, September 23, the operatives together with the investigators of the regional police detained the head of the state-owned enterprise of the energy industry immediately after he received the first part of the agreed amount - 96 thousand hryvnias. In general, the official demanded from the entrepreneur 120 thousand hryvnias of illegal benefits. For this amount, he promised to settle the issue with unhindered rental of warehouse space.

The official has already been informed of the suspicion of committing a criminal offense provided for in Part 3 of Art. 368 (acceptance of an offer, promise or receipt of an illegal benefit by an official) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for a term of five to ten years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to three years, with confiscation of property.

The procedural guidance in the pre-trial investigation is carried out by the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Prosecutor's Office.

Department of Strategic Investigations

National Police of Ukraine

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