In Chernihiv region, training of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place within the framework of the special operation “Polissya”

02.12.2021 18:57

Today, at the Novi Yarylovychi checkpoint near the Ukrainian-Belarusian border, police, border guards, national guards, rescuers and the migration service have developed an effective algorithm for interaction in non-standard situations, in particular in the case of border violations by illegal migrants.

The exercises were attended by Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine Oleksandr Fatsevich, First Deputy Head of the State Border Service of Ukraine Volodymyr Nikiforenko and Director of the Department of Planning and Application of the Main Directorate of the National Guard of Ukraine Oleksandr Oleshchenko.

According to the conditional scenario, the duty officer at the checkpoint “Novi Yarylovychi” received information that 10 buses with foreigners arrived at the checkpoint “Nova Guta”. At the same time, the Belarusian border guards took the buses to a separate lane and with the help of interpreters directed their actions.

To check the information, the outfit of the patrol police response team of the police department No. 2 (Ripky village) left to the checkpoint. During communication with border guards, the police established that about 500 people are planning to cross the border.

The personnel of the regional police were raised on the alert. Additional forces of the National Guard and the Border Guard, as well as a group of negotiators from the National Police, units of a special purpose police company and a consolidated detachment of the GUNP, the patrol police department, were urgently sent to the conditional checkpoint of the state border. The work of the Chernihiv Regional Coordination Headquarters was deployed at the checkpoint.

Law enforcement officers have worked out algorithms of actions during attempts to penetrate foreigners into the territory of Ukraine through the checkpoint and beyond it.

The next conditional task involved a group of illegals moving through a forest near the border village of Verbivka. The coordinated actions of all units involved in the exercises allowed the migrants to be stopped, and then taken to the medical center for testing for Covid-19, and then to the filtration center, where operatives, investigators, the migration police and the state migration service worked with them. In the end, the foreigners ended up in temporary accommodation points. In the future, the issue of their forced expulsion or return to the country from which they arrived or to the countries of origin will be resolved.

“Today we once again demonstrated that all units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs work as a single organism. Thank you to all units for the coordinated and professional work — police, national security guards, border guards, employees of the State Emergency Service and the migration service. Local authorities also cooperate with us — this is very important. After all, any crisis situation on the border or crisis related to crime is a common problem. Today we showed how we can solve it together. I am convinced that in case of aggravation of the situation at the border, you will be able to act in a coordinated and effective manner,” concluded Deputy Head of the National Police Oleksandr Facevych.

Police communication sector of Chernihiv region\

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