In Bukovina, since the beginning of Operation “Migrant”, the police have detected 3 criminal and 34 administrative offenses committed by foreigners

12.09.2021 11:39

In addition, within 10 days of the Chernivtsi region law enforcement officers detected 20 illegal migrants. Operational and preventive measures are carried out to monitor compliance with migration legislation and counteract offenses committed by foreign citizens.

Operatives of the migration police, together with other units of the GUNP in the Chernivtsi region, as well as border guards and employees of the migration service, strengthened checks of the border zone, markets, shopping centers, railway stations, places of temporary residence and possible stay of foreigners and stateless persons.

During these exercises, law enforcement officers exposed 3 criminal offenses committed by foreign citizens:

- 2 — qualify under Article 332 (Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine);

- 1 — contains signs of Article 358 (Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

One of the foreigners who helped an Iranian citizen illegally cross the state border of Ukraine, police investigators have already reported a suspicion.

In addition, during the specified period, law enforcement officers detected 20 illegal migrants. Regarding them, 8 decisions have already been made on returning to the country of origin and 1 - on reducing the period of stay in Ukraine. According to the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Status of Foreigners and Stateless Persons”, 10 foreign citizens are prohibited from entering the territory of our country. Another foreigner who had completed his sentence in a correctional colony was forcibly returned by law enforcement officers to his country of origin with a ban on entering the territory of Ukraine for a period of 3 years.

Also, since the beginning of the preventive operation “Migrant”, 34 foreign citizens who have committed administrative offenses have been exposed. Among them, 22 have already been brought to administrative responsibility:

- 12 under Article 203 (Violation by foreigners and stateless persons of the rules of stay in Ukraine and transit passage through the territory of Ukraine);

- 8 under Article 122 (Exceeding established speed limits, driving on a traffic control prohibition signal and violation of other traffic rules);

- 1 under Article 204 (Violation of the procedure for employment, admission to study, provision of housing, registration of foreigners and stateless persons and registration of documents for them);

- 1 under Article 205 (Failure to take measures to ensure timely registration of foreigners and stateless persons) of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses.

Police continue to monitor compliance with the law in the migration sphere.

Police Communication Department of Chernivtsi Oblast

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