In Bukovina, law enforcement officers detained a man who inflicted a knife wound on a district police officer

08.07.2021 13:24

This morning, July 8, a 56-year-old resident of the village of Chornoguzy contacted the police and reported that her mentally ill son was committing violence against her. A 37-year-old Bukovinian attacked a policeman who came to call and gave him a knife blow to the leg. On this fact, the investigating police began criminal proceedings.

After receiving a message about the call about illegal actions of the Bukovych, officers of the patrol police response sector and the district police officer of the Vyzhnytsky district police department immediately went to the scene. The man behaved aggressively with his mother and did not react to the remarks of law enforcement officers. Subsequently, the offender grabbed a knife, lunged at the 39-year-old policeman and stabbed him in the leg with a knife. The doctors diagnosed a puncture wound to the lower leg of the right leg and provided the necessary assistance to the victim. At the moment, his health and life are not in danger.

Police investigators entered the information into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations under Part 2 of Article 345 (Threat or Violence against a Law Enforcement Officer) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Law enforcement officers detained the offender in accordance with Article 208 (Detention by an authorized person) of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and placed him in a temporary detention center. The issue of hospitalization of the detainee to a psychiatric hospital for forced treatment is currently being resolved. A man has been registered with this institution since 2003 with a diagnosis of “schizophrenia”.

For intentionally causing light or moderate bodily injuries to an employee of a law enforcement agency in connection with the performance of official duties by this employee, punishment is provided in the form of restriction of liberty for up to five years or imprisonment for the same period.

Police Communication Department of Chernivtsi Oblast


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