Nikolaev guards took part in large-scale anti-terrorist exercises

17.06.2021 16:15

Soldiers of military unit 3039 of the National Guard of Ukraine took part in large-scale anti-terrorist exercises that took place on the territory of the Ochakiv urban territorial community.

The purpose of the training was to increase the level of interdepartmental interaction during anti-terrorist operations at critical infrastructure facilities in the region.

Training took place in conditions as close as possible to the real ones. According to the legend of the exercises, several enemy groups were to carry out sabotage on one of the military units in Ochakov, as well as a series of terrorist attacks on the critical infrastructure of the city to destabilize the socio-political situation in the region.

The conditional enemy failed to penetrate the military facility and carry out an explosion there. Thanks to coordinated and effective actions, the participants of the training successfully coped with the tasks set by protecting the critical infrastructure of the city. During the special operation, part of the conditional DRG was discovered and detained, and the consequences of its subversive activities were neutralized.

The management analyzed each stage of the training and noted the proper level of training of the training participants.


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