The migration service found 18 citizens of the PRC who illegally lived in the dormitory of the capital's Higher Education Institution

08.04.2021 18:49

The Migration Service of Kyiv exposed the fact of illegal placement of foreigners in the dormitory of the educational institution

Today, April 8, 2021, employees of the Department of Migration Control, Countering Illegal Migration and Readmission of the CMU DMS in the city. Kyiv and Kyiv region, together with SBU collaborators, found 18 citizens of the People's Republic of China illegally residing in the dormitory of one of the capital's universities.

During the events, it was established that these citizens arrived in Ukraine in January 2021 at the invitation of one of the private enterprises. Taking advantage of the official position, by prior agreement with representatives of a commercial organization, the university management foreign citizens were illegally housed and lived for a long time under the guise of university students in a dormitory belonging to the university.

On this fact, further checks are carried out, law enforcement agencies resolve the issue of entering information into the Unified Register of Pretrial Investigations.


Central Interregional Department of the State Health Service in the city. Kyiv and Kyiv region

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